
JAKARTA - Actor Rifky Bawel officially married Biby Alraen in 2018. At this marriage they were blessed with one son named Kazeem Zhafi Balweel. In his previous marriage to Risty Tagor, Rifky was also blessed with a son named Arsen Raffa Balweel. Seeing this, Rifky turned out to have the desire to add more children again. He said he was eager to have a daughter because for this 33-year-old man, the love of boys and girls is different. "Yes, I pray that friends, want to have a daughter. Actually, we are grateful that there are already 2 children, just like that, the love of boys and girls is different. The approach for children to father is different. Because I have felt 2 boys, God willing, I want girls," said Rifky Balweel in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Monday, October 16. Rifky's wish turned out to be supported by his wife. He said Biby also wanted to add more children. But currently both Rifky and Biby are preparing costs that will be used for the IVF program. "He also wants me to be a daughter, because it has to be a IVF program, because IVF requires a large amount of money too, maybe after renov (home) yes," he continued. The player of the film Ini Rasa Cinta hopes that this can be done after the business of him and his wife is both finished. Because Rifky is still busy filming soap operas, while his wife is busy taking care of visas for their departure to United Kingdom for a walk. "I just took a soap opera off, I'm still taking care of the visa too, the plan is to go for a walk first, watch the ball outside, get ready for a visa, because the UK visa is to make it difficult," said Rifky Balweel.

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