
YOGYAKARTA When the weather is hot, cold drinks are a mainstay. Even though it's not healthy to drink ice when the sun is hot, the following is a cold soup served from all over the world. Many of the soup served is cold made from plant base. That is, if you are on a plant-based food diet, check the following reference list.

Coffee ice or fruit soup may be your favorite when the weather is hot. But when you are in South Korea, you can taste oi naengguk, flavored cold soup made from cucumber. The word oi means mentimmune. In one of the variations of the soup oi naengguk, the crunchy texture comes from cucumber slices coupled with soft miyook. Miyook is a type of marine vegetable called wakame in Japan.

This soup doesn't need to be cooked. Just slice cucumber as big as a thin match stick, mixed with garlic, onions, red chilies, and wijen seeds. Wakame is added last and dips into thick sauce from soy sauce and vinegar. You can also add whole-made noodles to make the food more filling. You can also add cerry tomatoes slices to add color. Finally add some pieces of ice cubes and enjoy this vegan-friendly Korean snack.

The cold soup called gazpacho comes from Andalusia, Spain. The iconic gazpacho is called a cold vegetable or fruit soup. Classical Gazpacho is a harmonious combination of tomatoes, onions, garlic, and peppers that are emulated with oil and vinegar.

This dish is served as an bidder for hot and tiring days. Reported by Taste Table, Wednesday, September 27, in the 12th century in Japan, hiyajiru was served during lunch among farmers, soldiers, and monks. Currently, this cold soup is the main part of Miyazaki's perfecture.

A delicious soup taste comes from roasting miso pasta. Sometimes it boils so slightly, either on a stove or an oven wetting bread. Other main ingredients include Japanese cucumber, shiso leaves, and roast wijen seeds. It tastes light but filling because of the rich miso sauce and served with steamed white rice.

Okroshka is a typical cold soup for Russian cuisine. It used to be a mixture of grilled meat,etled plums, cucumbers, raw onions, and vinegar. Currently, this cold soup is made from potatoes, ham, boiled eggs, fresh cucumbers, and cabbage. The material is cut by the same size cube. Then mixed with a little mustard or spicy cabbage, and above it is given a lot of scraped spices such as dill, peterseli, and leeks.

Hungarians are no stranger to fruit soups, but the most popular thing is hideg meggyleves. These dishes are made from scheme fruit, raspberry, elderly flowers, and apples. This sour and cold soup is a food that is common in summer. Often served as an opening dish.

To make it, it is necessary to boil cherries, sugar, lemon skin, and spices in the form of cinnamon, sweetadas, and cloves. The mixture is then condensed with routix or flour and a little sour cream before being cooled in the refrigerator. The sour and sweet flavors of customs are perfected by a unique spice aroma.

In cooler countries, summer is shorter. So fresh fruits are so rare that they are most likely to rarely have cold soup dishes. But for Nordics, the unique culinary fruktsoppa is a sweet fruit soup mixed with dry fruit. Dry fruit includes apples, pries, airbags, airbags, and plums. Before being crushed into soup, the dried fruit was then soaked with tapioka to be thick. Maybe in Indonesia it is like a kolak.

Its long name, sopa de poro y papa means sup leeks and potatoes. The main ingredients are leeks and potatoes that are balanced with flour. To make it, leeks and onions are smoothed. Add potatoes and broth, then let it boil to soft potatoes. Enjoy what it is, or add creme and smooth it to make the soup softer. If it is served cold, the taste will be unique.

Those are the seven cold soups from various parts of the world. It seems that the wealth of taste varies. Not only in Indonesia, for example, the coral is served cold but still tastes spice. Or fruit soup and dawet that is suitable to eat during the day is hot.

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