Cause Of Anyang-yangan After Intimate Relations, Couples Must Know!
Illustration of yang-yangan after making love (Pixabay)


YOGYAKARTA Not a few women complain about the pain or sensation of burning when urinating. This condition is more often experienced by women than men, especially after making love. So, what is the cause of love after having sex?

If you feelyangan after making love, most likely the condition is caused by vaginal bacterial infection or urinary tract infection. Why is that? Related to this, there are several reasons.

First, because of the anatomy structure of the female body. Please note, the vaginal hole is close to theuretra opening, a channel that throws urine outside the body. Well, penetration of the penis can encourage other foreign bacteria and particles that live around the outer skin of the vaginal hole, quoted from Antara.

Second, penis penetration also moves various bacteria and fungi from the surface of the penis skin into the vaginal opening. Moreover, if you have sex without contraceptives and cannot guarantee the cleanliness of male sex organs.

The entry of this 'new' bacteria colony can disrupt the balance of acidity degrees (pH) and the number of good bacteria in the vagina. These bad bacteria eventually resulted in an infection called the bipartial vaginosis (BV).

It's not enough there, penetration of the penis at the same time can also make bacteria enter the female urinary tract, because it is located close to the vaginal hole.

The length of the woman's uretra channel turns out to be short enough that bacteria can infect a woman's bladder faster. This is what is called a urinary tract infection (ISK).

One of the main symptoms of vaginal infection and kecing channel infection is frequent pain or fever.

Apart from ISK, other yangyang-yangan causes may occur after having sex, among others:

This is information about the causes of love after having sex. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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