
JAKARTA - For those of you who have a dog or cat as well as a lover of ornamental plants, it is very important to know which types of ornamental plants are safe for your pets. Either out of naughty or out of curiosity, dogs and cats may be tempted to bite and even eat your ornamental plants, especially those in the house.

For that, you need to make sure which indoor ornamental plants are safe for cats and dogs before bringing them home.

Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides)

This ornamental plant with easy-care characteristics is part of the Urticaceae family but is classified as safe for cats and dogs. Its distinctive feature is the round and thick leaves of bright green color. Chinese money plant can be positioned in a place exposed to direct or indirect light. Do watering only if the soil as a planting medium looks dry. The green leaves will wilt if watering is not enough.

Echeveria (Echeveria spp.)

This type of succulent is a safe choice if you have cats and dogs at home. The shape of the leaves resembles a rose, with a mixture of green-silver, blue-green, to light purple. As with other succulents, you will need to place the echeveria in an area where it will receive 4-6 hours of sunlight each day. Water the plants when the soil is completely dry about once or twice a week. This plant will not survive if there is too much water, but it can grow well even if it has not been watered for a long time.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)

Spider plant has the function of purifying the air in the house. This ornamental plant that is easy to grow, according to psychologists, can help regulate good emotions and maintain a good mood if displayed on your desk. Even better, spider plants are also included in indoor ornamental plants that are safe for cats and dogs. This plant is tolerant of various light, humidity and soil conditions so it is quite easy to care for.

Areca Palm (Dypsis Lutesecens)

Also known as the butterfly palm, Dypsis lutescens makes any interior feel like the tropics. Sometimes palm fronds trigger the cat's instinct to smack and bite, and luckily the plant is safe.

This variety of indoor palm tree requires lots of bright light. Ideally, place it in a south or west facing window. Choose the type of pot that has good drainage because you have to let the soil dry before doing the next watering.

Boston Fern (Nephorolepis)

Boston fern or sword fern, a favorite ornamental plant because it has good resistance. Dogs and cats are usually attracted to fern leaves because they are long and hairy. But this is not a problem because it is in the safe category. Boston fern likes moisture and lots of bright, indirect light.

Peperomia (Peperomia spp.)

Peperomia is sometimes referred to as baby gum. This tiny ornamental plant has many varieties. You can choose one of them, because almost all varieties of maintenance are very easy.

According to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), reported by The Spruce, Monday, August 28, that's six lists of indoor ornamental plants that are safe for cats and dogs. which do you prefer?

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