
JAKARTA - The latest horror film by director Ginanti Rona entitled Susuk: Beauty Curses will be released next week. This film is worked on in the hope of giving something new from many other Indonesian horror films.

Jourdy Pranata as one of the actors who played along said that the shooting location located in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta had a tense atmosphere. He only found out after the shooting process was over.

"In this horror film Susuk, the location is really horror, this is a new experience for me to play in a horror location," said Jourdy Pranata during a press conference at Epicentrum, South Jakarta on Friday, August 25.

Jourdy admitted that he received information from Elang El Gibran that several places used on set were famous as places for committing suicide to pesugihan.

"At Ayu's house (one of the characters in the film Susuk), Elang told me that many people had committed suicide there," said Jourdy.

"When the scene at the funeral was too, it was told that it was widely used for pesugihan," he continued.

El Gibran's large Elang in Yogyakarta confirmed what Jourdy said. Although he never experienced mystical events directly, Elang admitted that he knew the background of the place he was shooting.

"Incidentally, I know the background story where it is," said Elang.

Meanwhile, Ginanti Rona said that the production team had indeed conducted a long research to choose the shooting location. He prefers to shoot in the original location rather than use the studio.

However, the choice of the place to be decided was not without consideration, Ginanti Rona said that in order to bring something new, she wanted the actors to also feel the right atmosphere while acting.

"We want the players to act in the right atmosphere. So, when they act, they are afraid, the atmosphere on set also supports," concluded Ginanti Rona.

Besides Jourdy Pranata and Elang El Gibran, this film also stars Hana Malasan, Ersya Aurelia, Muhammad Khan, Izabel Jahja, Whani Dharmawan and MN Qomaruddin.

Flat Film: Beauty Curses will hit theaters on August 31.

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