
YOGYAKARTA - The lungs are one of the organs in the body that has the function of distributing oxygen throughout the body and issuing carbon dioxide. As the main respiratory organ, the lung health needs to be maintained or a detoxification process. So how do you detox the lungs?

Lungs can become unhealthy or dirty because of various exposures that enter the body, such as dust, cigarette smoke, and bacteria. If this organ is dirty, it can cause various respiratory problems, such as asthma, broncriticism, to irritation or inflammation of the lungs.

Therefore, the lungs need to be cleaned in order to avoid various respiratory diseases. The way that you can do it is by detoxifying or the process of removing toxine. How do you detox your lungs that you need to apply?

Lung detox is a process of cleaning up toxins or toxins attached to this organ. Here are some ways of detoxing your lungs easily.

Smoking for a long time can cause inflammation and damage to cells in the lungs. If this condition occurs, then someone has the potential to become infected with diseases such as COPD and even lung cancer.

A study revealed that the sooner a person stops smoking, the greater the chance of the lungs to recover or be healthy. So the risk of disease appearing in the lungs becomes lower.

Similar to the impact of cigarette smoke, being exposed to pollution repeatedly can cause the lungs to become contaminated and damaged. Exposure to pollution can come from various things, ranging from dust, vehicle smoke, to cigarette smoke. If you do activities outdoors with poor air quality, you should use a mask to protect your lung health.

Another way to detox the lungs that you can do is to use an air sanitizer in the house. By using this tool, it can help clean and improve the quality of the air in the room. The air inhaled at home becomes cleaner because the device filters the impurity particles.

Exercise regularly is also useful for maintaining the health and function of the lungs. You can do light exercise, such as walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming, These cardiovascular activities have indeed proven beneficial for the lungs.

Cleaning the lungs can also be done by eating foods that contain high antioxidants. There are various fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of antioxidants. Antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties that can protect the lungs and reduce the risk of organ damage.

Regulatory certain diets can also have an impact on lung health. A good food intake to maintain lung health is consuming vitamin D. The results of the study show that with adequate intake of vitamin D it is able to reduce the severity of a person suffering from asthma.

Although it seems trivial, it turns out that breathing fresh air in nature is also beneficial for the lungs. This method can support the expansion of the lung tissue and keep its function optimal. But make sure the air in the place you visit has good quality.

Steam therapy is another method to clean mucus in the lungs and respiratory tract. The way to do this is by boiling water to heat, then breathing the vapor. In addition, vapor therapy can also be carried out by taking a warm bath.

Those are some ways to detox your lungs that you can easily do to maintain the health of the main respiratory organs. By cleaning your lungs, you can avoid various respiratory problems.

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