
YOGYAKARTA - Ladies, have you heard the ban on swimming during menstruation because it can stop menstrual blood flow? The myth about menstruation has always been widely heard in women's groups and raises doubts when you want to swim during menstruation.

Then what is the reality? Is a woman who is menstruating allowed to swim? Let's follow in the full discussion here!

To avoid discomfort during swimming, there are some methods that you can try so that swimming during menstruation is still aka naman. What are the tricks?

Avoid cloth sanitary napkins

Wearing sanitary napkins made from cloth allows the water to be absorbed more lightningly so that it mixes with blood. Stay away from wearing cloth sanitary napkins and choose a blood reservoir similar to a capacity or a menstrual cup.

Wear a swimsuit

Wearing a special swimming dress can be an option when you are menstruating but always want to swim. This special menstrual dress is specially designed so that it won't leak and pollute the swimming pool. Wear a safe shirt and avoid tight clothes that make the intimate organs pressed and feel narrow.

Disband the intimate organs before and after swimming

Live cleaning the sexual organs before and after swimming. Change sanitary napkins as often as possible and don't swim wearing sanitary napkins that you have used for hours with full blood. This situation can cause leakage of sanitary napkins and blood will contaminate the swimming pool.

After finishing, wash the intimate organs quickly and rinse all parts of the body. Change it with a new sanitary napkin and stay away from wearing fragrances for intimate organs so that the balance of healthy bacteria is always maintained.

Use menstrual cup or capacity

Using a menstrual cup or baseau, it is said to be safer and avoid leaks. Distributors who use one are sometimes constrained by cotton that can be damaged when exposed to water, but the capacity or menstrual cup will be more comfortable to use.

Use a capacity of no more than 8 hours and structure a maximum of 6 hours of cup so that cleanliness is maintained during the use of this blood reservoir.

Bath and shampoo after swimming

Bathing and rhythmic age swimming when it is useful to clean the whole body from contamination of germs or dirt that you can find when swimming. Wash the body and wash it immediately after swimming.

Anxiety during menstruation is also not prohibited because this matter can help sterilize bacteria and germs in the hair while swimming. Clean and dry cloth all over the body, especially intimate organs after swimming and changing sanitary napkins and clean clothes so that the body is immediately safe again.

So after knowing how to swim during menstruation, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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