
JAKARTA - While traveling there are at least three skin care products that someone must bring and one of them is sunscreen, according to Indian skin health expert Dr Kiran Sethi.

Kiran as broadcast by the Indian Express, reminded that sunscreen protects the skin from sunlight that has ultraviolet light. This beam can trigger excessive melanin production which causes pigmentation among other skin-related problems.

"Are you playing on the beach or just indoors, sunscreen is a must," said Kiran, who also said that sunscreen is very helpful in caring for her skin and appearance.

Next, don't forget to bring a mask that hydrates while traveling. Air travel, changes in weather, sun, and outdoor weather all cause dry skin so that carrying a hydrating mask is important.

"I like good hydration masks. You are very likely to face dry skin while traveling, especially traveling by air. So, good hydrating masks are a must," said Kiran.

Finally, facial moisturizers help keep the skin hydrated, which prevents it from acne and experiencing problems due to excessive drought.

"Remember to moisturize your skin before getting on the plane. The air on the plane can dry and damage your skin," Kiran ordered.

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