
JAKARTA - Hypertension is still one of the number one causes of death in the world and one way to prevent hypertension is to reduce salt consumption and replace it with glueat or better known as Monosodium Glutamate (MSG).

Clinical Nutrition Specialist Yohan Samudra from Diponegoro University, Semarang, said the maximum amount of salt that can be consumed is one teaspoon a day or about 2,000 to 2,300 mg sodium.

"Glutamat can replace the role of salt in food. Healthy food, is the beginning of a healthy and happy family," said Yohan as quoted by Antara,

Yohan explained that glutamate is contained in MSG. One gram of MSG contains 133 mg sodium, while salt contains 400 mg sodium.

"Therefore, it is much better to use MSG than salt and can prevent hypertension," said Yohan.

Yohan explained that although the use of MSG has been declared safe by the Ministry of Health, the amount used for one cook should not be too much.

"Of course with sufficient measure because if it's too much it will make the taste of food bad, so after taste it becomes bitter," explained Yohan.

Yohan said another danger of excessive consumption of salt other than hypertension is heart attacks to strokes.

Because excessive amounts of salt will make blood vessels stiff so that blood flow is difficult to pass and has the potential to make blood vessels burst.

In the long term, said Yohan, the risk of disease from excessive consumption of salt is acute kidney failure. Yohan asked consumers to be careful in consuming foods with hidden salt content.

"For example, condiments such as chili sauce, Mayonaise, sweet soy sauce, fast food, Chinese food, chips, meatballs,ality, and also sugary sauce. All these foods contain hidden salt," concluded Yohan.

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