
JAKARTA - News of Inara Rusli asking for a mut'ah income of Rp. 10 billion in a divorce suit against Virgoun has become a public conversation. The news was known to be conveyed by his attorney, Arjana Bagaskara.

However, Ustadz Derry Sulaiman, one of the religious leaders known to be close to Inara, admitted that he did not know for sure about the mut'ah's livelihood. He did not want to comment much on Inara's living from Virgoun.

"Wallahualam, I don't know, just ask the West Jakarta Religious Court (PA)," said Ustadz Derry Sulaiman in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, May 30.

Ustadz Derry prefers to be a peacekeeper for Inara and Virgoun, rather than commenting on the points of the lawsuit filed by the mother of three children. Instead, he hopes that mediation can run smoothly.

"Masha Allah buat semua, kita harus berjuang menjadi juru damai terhadap siapa saja yang bersentekrat rumah tangganya, apalagi public figure. Karena yang senang melihat orang yang bercerai itu cuma satu. Kita orang yang menyaksi peristiwa ini berharap kepada Allah semoga mereka semua tidak ada yang bercerai," tutur Ustadz Derry Sulaiman.

"Those who are currently in the process in court today, hopefully the mediation can run smoothly. The person concerned, whoever today's household is on the brink, you guys look at the kindness of your partner, will increase your love for them," he concluded.

As is known, the arks of the Virgoun and Inara households are on the brink. The Last Child vocalist applied for divorce, but later it was revoked.

On the other hand, Inara filed for divorce from the West Jakarta Religious Court, shortly after Virgoun withdrew his application. Until now, their divorce process is still ongoing.

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