
YOGYAKARTA - The difference between tenders and auctions is in fact in its purpose where the important purpose of the auction is the procedure for selling something, on the contrary, tenders intend to carry out or buy a method.

Auctions are commonly said to be for project auctions, asset auctions, and auctions of goods. Examples are auctions of confiscated goods from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). On the other hand, tenders are generally only for project work at Ministries or Institutions or Regional Apparatus (K/L/PD) or projects in private industries. For example, the logistics of park lights in Green Open Space (RTH).

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) it is stated that the meaning of 'auction' is an auction or le·lang//lelang/n of sales in front of many people (with the upper-resolution proposal) guided by the auction administrator. On the other hand, the meaning of the auction is sourced in the Minister of Financial Regulation No. 27 or PMK. 06 or 2016 concerning Guidelines for Auction Application if the auction is a public sale of goods with price offers in a recorded and/or verbal manner that continues to increase or shrink to reach the highest price, preceded by the announcement of the auction.

On the other hand, what is the meaning of tender itself? In the Big Dictionary of Indonesian Language (KBBI) it is stated that the meaning of "Tender" is tender 1 / ten·der / / trender / n Dag an offer to apply for prices, buy up jobs, or provide materials. A kind of explanation in the previous paragraph, if government institutions or the private industry want goods or services, until the procurement of objects or services is carried out with the aim of obtaining goods or services that are in accordance with the dream at the best and normal price. That is, so far the mention of the auction for the Procurement of Government Services is not right.

Prior to the tender implementation, the initial stage that the project owner will try is to make plans and budget first. The goal is to get an overview of the form or amount of capital expenditure required. Next, what the project owner needs to try is to design the needs of goods or services that are needed in a complete way, whether in the form of images or writing, to the implementation method rules, listed the amount of load that will be carried out the next day which will be stated in the Fee Budget Plan (RAB) document.

If in government projects, tenders for the provision of goods or services are carried out after the preparation of the APBN or APBD, it is different from the procurement of private goods or services carried out after the preparation of the plan and the plan budget.

In general, the procurement of goods/services to be tendered is divided into several groups, namely;

In organizing the procurement of goods/services, there are several parties involved in it and interconnecting. They are:

In the tender for the procurement of goods or services, users generally create procurement committees. The procurement committee is a group of people who have been appointed by users or procurement divisions (UKBJ for K/L/PD) to carry out all procurement methods, ranging from the category of procurement documents, completing and sorting out prospective contractors or consultants, requesting offers and evaluating them, encouraging prospective contractors and consultants, and providing contract documents.

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