
JAKARTA - Maudy Ayunda celebrates her first Eid as wife of Jesse Choi. Both are known to have held the marriage contract on May 22, 2022.

Through his Instagram account, the Paper Boat singer showed his enthusiasm in celebrating Eid this year with a different status from the previous Eid.

"First Eid as a unit," wrote Maudy Ayunda in the caption for her upload of a photo with her husband, seen on Sunday, April 23.

Maudy also uploaded another photo, where she seems to be celebrating Eid with her parents and sister, Amanda Khairunnisa, who brought her lover.

The 28-year-old actress is also in the spotlight of netizens because of the Eid clothes she and her husband wear. Maudy is seen wearing clothes with green sage which is trending this year's Eid.

Suddenly netizens highlighted the color choice in the clothes that Maudy and her family wore. In fact, she and her husband got a new nickname from netizens.

"Mody victim couple sage se indo," wrote the netizen.

"Real on using Sage throughout Indonesia, yes," commented another netizen.

"This is why everyone is sage," asked a netizen.

"Maudy is also a victim of sage," said another netizen.

For information, the green sage color had become trending on TikTok to Twitter a few days before Eid. Hijau sage is said to be a trend in the color of Eid clothes in 2023.

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