
JAKARTA - Welcoming the beauty of Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1444 H, many programs have been prepared by television stations to accompany viewers at home. Together with family, the moment of Eid feels more enjoyable with a variety of interesting shows.

A series of special events were prepared by tvOne to celebrate Eid al-Fitr with family, friends, friends and so on. The following is the program for the Eid al-Fitr 2023 special event:

1. The news of Homecoming News is a coverage whose report is packaged directly to inform about the flow of homecoming and the traffic flow of travelers in various regions, both land and sea routes. Monitoring the flow of homecoming and return at a number of points will be reported, including the Sumatra route, there are Merak and Bakauheni ports.

At the southern route points in Java, there are Cileunyi, Sumedang, Dawuhan (Cisumdawu), Nagreg, Malangbong and Bandung. Meanwhile, on the northern route, Java will report from the Cikampek, Cipali toll roads in Kalikangkung Semarang. The arterial route is also the focus of reports on homecoming, starting from Bekasi, Purwakarta, Karawang, Cirebon, Yogyakarta, Semarang and Solo.

The Homecoming News Program starts April 15-21, 2023 for homecoming flow and backflow will air on April 24, 2023. In addition to information regarding the traffic density of travelers, the Homecoming News also reports coverage of typical tourist and culinary destinations in a number of cities.

2. Isbat Penentuan 1 Syawal 1444 H in Indonesia was determined through Hilal monitoring and Isbat Session. Determination of 1 Syawal 1444 H airs on Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 15.00 WIB, while the announcement of the Isbat 1 Syawal 1444 H session airs at 18.00 WIB.

3. The Indonesia Bertakbir Program The Indonesia Bertakbir program is broadcast live to welcome Eid. This program broadcasts Takbiran night celebrations in various big cities in the country and abroad. Guided by Aditya Nugroho and Agung Izzulhaq Indonesia, Indonesia Bertakbir will also present a dialogue interpreting Eid al-Fitr with resource persons in the studio. As a tausyiah present with four Indonesian clerics on the night of the takbiran at 20.30 WIB.

4. Indonesia Eid Al-Fitr Moments to celebrate Eid al-Fitr 1444 H tvOne also featured programs on the first and second days of Eid at 09.00 WIB and 14.00 WIB. This program will broadcast live Eid celebrations from various regions in Indonesia. In addition, the Eid Indonesia program will also present a dialogue with several national figures in welcoming the celebration of victory day.

5. Liputan Sholat IedLiputan dan tayangan langsung pelaksanaan PRAYat Ied akan hadir pada Program Apa Kabar Indonesia Pagi pada hari lebaran pukul 06.30 WIB. Liputan pelaksanaan PRAYat Ied dilakuakn secara live di berbagai kota yang antaranya di Masjid Istiqlal Jakarta, Makassar, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Medan, serta tempat di mana Presiden RI yakni Pak Joko Widodo akan melaksanakan sholat Ied.

6. The Indonesian Peace, Special Eid al-Fitr This event, which for 2 days to celebrate Eid al-Fitr 1444 H with the slogan Return to Fitrah, won. The program in Pandu by the Host, namely Agung Izzulhaq and Sabrina Raissa, aired in Eid al-Fitr at 12.30 WIB, with the theme "The Meaning of Tradition and Gathering of Eid al-Fitr" which presents a special segment of conditioning tausiah with KH Cholil Nafis, Habib Nabiel Al Musawa, KH Jujun Djunaedi, KH Syarif Matnadjih, and Ustadzah Syifa Nurfaradullah.

It also airs on the second Eid at 12.30 WIB, with the theme tausiah Improves Self Quality By Forgiving with Habib Ahmad Al Kaff, KH Sumarno Syafe I, Ustadz Abdurrahman Djaelani, Ustadz Azhari Nasution, and Ustadzah Shofwatun Nida.

7. Lebaran Bersama Bunda Lebaran Bersama Bunda hadir pada lebaran pertama dengan tema tausiah Meaning Tradisi dan Silaturahmi Idul Fitri dengan narasumber tamu Wawan Teamlo dan Haniva Hasna (Kriminologist). Serta tayang pada hari kedua dengan tema tausiah Sehat Jiwa dan Raga Selama Lebaran akan hadir narasumber tamu Angkie Yudistia (Staf Ahli Presiden) dan Prof. Dr. dr. H. Ari Fahrili Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, FINASIM, FACP (major pada Departemen Penyakit Dalam FKUI. Lebaran Bersama Bunda hadir as program tausyiah bersama ustadzah dan narasumber cantik dan juga smart.

8. Homecoming Command Post Activities off water will be held at three points, namely Merak Port, Rest Area KM 147 Cileunyi, Bandung and Rest Area KM 207 Kanci Cirebon. This event presents various activities at the Homecoming Command Post, ranging from entertainment to various free facilities for people who are on their way homecoming to just relieve fatigue from the density of homecoming flow. The Homecoming Command Post will be present from April 17, 2023 to April 23, 2023.

9. The documentary One Day in The Haram Menonton of this film viewers can see how workers on duty and responsible for maintaining cleanliness, security and service for guests of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, namely Umrah and Hajj pilgrims. In addition, viewers can also see how the management of the Arab government can provide services as well as the rhythm of workers in this documentary in a full day. From Fajr to Isya time. The documentary film One Day in the Jannah will air on Friday, April 21, 2023 at 23.00 WIB.

10. One Night in Al Aqsa Film Finds an amazing story about Al Aqsa Complex in Jerusalem, with the holiest night's background in the Islamic calendar. Al Aqsa is a place where wonder occurs when the Prophet rises to the sky receiving prayer orders. Al Aqsa is the most important place in the world in Islamic teachings after the Grand Mosque in Mecca.

Through this film, viewers are invited to feel the strength of Al Aqsa, as told through the eyes of people who live and work there. The film One Night in Al Aqsa can be watched by viewers on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 23.00 WIB.

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