
YOGYAKARTA Some people may think of diorama and miniatura as the two look similar. In this article, there will be differences in diorama and miniatures in the world of architecture.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), diorama is defined as a presentation of small views equipped with sculptures and environmental details such as the original and combined with a natural background, a pattern or three-dimensional pattern of a scene or scene produced by placing objects and figures in front of the background with a true perspective so that they can describe the actual situation.

While Miniatures are mimics on a scale that is scaled down and something small.

According to M. Susanto in Diction of Fine Arts (2002). Miniatures are makets, replicas, prototypes, and scale models as well as various forms of fine art made in small sizes.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that diorama is part of a miniature.

In more detail, here are the differences in diorama and minima in the world of architecture:

1. Differences in diorama and miniaturation are seen from the type

Adapted from the journal Peraga Diorama Equipment (2016) by Filla Dlia'a Umaroh, diorama is divided into three types, including:

Meanwhile, the type of miniature is divided into two types, namely:

2. Differences in diorama and miniature in terms of function

The function of diorama is to describe the true state of the landscape of historical states, natural events, and city conditions for educational or performance needs.

Therefore, it is not surprising that diorama is often found in museums, such as Monas Jakarta, the Yogyakarta Monument again, or the Animal Museum in Batu.

While miniatures function as a substitute for the original object which is a mock form of the original object, namum has a much smaller scale or size.

In addition, miniatures can also provide a physical picture of an object without having to see its object directly.

That's information about the differences in diorama and miniatures in the world of architecture. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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