
YOGYAKARTA 'popcorn' is made of corn seeds that are processed roasted or fried. Even though it is made of natural ingredients, it turns out that it is not always healthy when consumed into a diet menu.

Corn includes whole grains containing vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Specifically, it contains nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, B, and E. Corn is also filling, unlike processed seeds that have been removed from fiber and nutrients. Launching Health, Wednesday, April 5, Americans get 17 percent fiber from popcorn. People who consume popcorn may also have 12 percent of polyphenolic intake, which is an antioxidant compound.

Research has also shown that consuming seeds is at a lower risk of inflammatory. In addition to low heart inflammation, diabetes, high blood pressure, and several types of cancer.

In popcorn it contains 30 calories if there is no additional salt. The amount of fat is less than 1 gram, does not contain cholesterol, carbohydrates 6.23 grams, fiber 1.21 grams, and protein 1 gram in a cup of popcorn.

In the most natural form, popcorn can be a healthy food. But to consume it needs to calculate the portion. When consuming, try not to add extra sodium which causes the retention of the stomach sehingge liquid to feel bloating. In addition, the ingredients in the popcorn manufacturing process also need to be considered. Choose popcorn to be treated with single unsaturated oil because it is healthier. For example, processed with olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, and wijen oil.

Various spices and toppings are used to season popcorn. In popcorn packaging, the spices may be simple. Such as sea salt and black pepper. But there are also those that touch butter and caramel. Well, this needs to be very limited or even avoided.

Through the explanation above, it is clear that popcorn is basically a healthy snack. But it is necessary to pay attention to the portion when consuming it. And reduce additional spices, such as sodium, butter, and caramel. If you eat according to the portion of quality popcorn, it means it's safe and healthy for your diet snacks.

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