5 Simple Habits To Increase Self Esteem
Illustration of simple habits increasing self-esteem (Freepic/wayhomestudio)


YOGYAKARTA To prevent low self-esteem, one needs to do a number of simple habits. For those who are not used to doing it, it may feel heavy or without realizing it triggers anxiety and mental health to be disturbed.

Low self-esteem is experienced when you constantly feel guilty, as judged by those around you, and ignore your own needs. Marx Julid, Ph.D., suggests building a habit that increases self-esteem. Here's what you need to do when you start to feel inferior.

Welas Asih is a healthy source of self-esteem, according to Kristin Neff, a pioneer in self-compassion as reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, March 26. Self-compassion is an act of treating yourself with kindness. When we fail, make mistakes, feel unable, or face difficulties in life, we must try to encourage ourselves rather than criticize ourselves.

How to train self-compassion or compassion is to ask yourself about how to treat your friends when you feel bad about yourself. Then do the same with yourself. In addition, avoid criticizing yourself and treat yourself more with compassion.

You suggested, you can take a deep breath when the pressure comes unexpectedly. Place your hands gently on your chest or above your heart as if you are hugging yourself. Don't hesitate to pat yourself gently until you feel comfortable.

Research shows that acceptance and approval from others increases our self-esteem. So try to focus on building relationships that give you the space, support, and encouragement you need to be the best version of yourself. Don't be afraid to re-evaluate your relationship to screen people who criticize, blame, and embarrass you. Always pay attention to who you allow into your life.

We often pursue achievements without taking a moment to appreciate how far we have gone. Having big dreams and desires or tending to operate extremely can make us feel overwhelmed. In addition, self-esteem will also decrease when we cannot control the situation. So it is necessary to celebrate small victories that increase morale and resilience and make us feel positive.

Positive affirmations allow us to view threatening information as relevant and valuable. Therefore, when self-esteem decays in exchange for negative self-talks with a supporting mantra. Like focus on progress, because it's better than perfectionism', 'I'm tough and able to get through this challenging situation', 'it's okay to do something wrong, because mistakes don't define me and I will continue to learn and grow'.

A study published in the European Scientific Journal found that spending an hour on Facebook each day is associated with a significant decline in self-esteem. Stay away from social media. You'll find that it helps you break the cycle of comparing yourself to others. When you're away from social media, it gives you more time to focus on things that really make you happy.

Those are the five habits that increase self-esteem or in psychology known as self-esteem. Do you have other ways to make life more valuable, meaningful, and happy?

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