
JAKARTA - The Teacher Community of the Sharing Satkaara (KGSB) and Besi Berani seeks to improve literacy in the world of education by using films as a learning medium for teachers. The "Pasantren Alteraction" activity also coincides with the inauguration of the KGSB Literacy Club chaired by Ninik Febriani, S.PD Kons C.Ht, Professor of BK SMPN 40 Jakarta.

The Participants of the Islamic Boarding School Alteraksi this time were members of KGSB, consisting of PAUD to SMA teachers. The literacy activities carried out use the Alteraksi method with the film Pesantren as lighter material.

The deceased is a program that uses films and facilitation methods as a tool to discuss and experience various opinions, views, feelings, and thoughts regarding the issue of diversity, justice, and social inclusion in everyday life.

The Islamic Boarding School film is a Long documentary by Shalahuddin Siregar which is made with an observational approach. This film invites viewers to dive into the lives of the residents of Pondok Kebon Jambu Al-Islamy, one of the largest Islamic boarding schools in Cirebon Regency.

This traditional educational institution, which has 2000 students, is led by a female cleric. Santri at Pondok Kebun Jambu were educated to appreciate and love all of God's creations without exception. The film Pesantren was premiered at the Ajang International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) at the end of 2019.

KGSB founder, Ruth Andriani revealed that the selection of Islamic Boarding School Films in this Alteraksi activity was due to one of the tolerance messages she carried. This is in line with the three major sins in our education world, namely intolerance, sexual violence and intolerance which are the focus of KGSB activities.

"Through this Islamic Boarding School Alteraction, we hope that teachers will get new experiences in using films as a learning medium and views on diversity and tolerance," said Ruth.

"Through this Islamic Boarding School Alteraction, we hope that teachers will get new experiences in using films as a learning medium and views on diversity and tolerance," said Ruth.

This alter-action activity begins with watching the 96-minute Islamic Boarding School film, then followed by facilitation of creations from Besi Berani, namely Swang Pandang and Lontar Suara. Besi Berani is a social interference initiative through the medium of film that has designed and implemented the Alternative program since 2018.

The facilitation plot in 'Tukar Pandang' in general consists of five stages of the process, namely getting to know each other's character (character), expressing opinions (voices), sharing values (exchanges), responding (response) and making real follow-up actions in the daily participants (possibility).

The initiators of Alteraksi Suryani Liauw and Rival Ahmad, explained that the merger of Islamic Boarding School films and facilitation methods within the framework of the Alteraksi Pesantren program is a partner who is right and effective in strengthening the effects of the ripple (ripple effect) from the targeted impact. In every activity of the Alternative, the largest exploration and most valuable story actually came from the participants (film viewers).

In the context of society, awareness (consioness) and shared meaning (shared meaning) are key factors that become the glue and hardener of every social relationship, both those who respect diversity and vice versa.

"The main idea behind the distribution of the impact of Islamic Boarding Schools is educational institutions such as Pondok Kebun Jambu" which applies educational methods that focus on solidarity, diversity and gender equality, it could be that one of the forts of defense in the future is to ward off the threat of hate speech, hoaxes, and the hardening of conservative understanding in Indonesia," said Besiani.

Meanwhile, the Founder of the BK Teacher's House, Ana Susanti added, The interaction of the Pesantren film is a tangible manifestation of The ArtFull Of Pedagogy. This method is very possible when applied by teachers to students in daily teaching.

The Alteraksi method can invite students to express their opinions and taste. From the film, students can learn what can be learned next. In addition, there are also many and interesting activities in this method, so students don't get bored easily," said Ana.

In terms of participants, Febri Triwahyudi, S.Psi. MM, Professor of BK Islamic Middle School Nurul Hidayah Depok was enthusiastic about following the course of the Islamic Boarding School Alteraction. He considered that this activity really answered the needs of teachers in finding appropriate and attractive literacy methods for students.

Alteraksi can be a new lesson to be applied in schools. Without realizing it, films can apparently be a lesson in general through sharing experiences. Films that have audio visual media are able to make children more interested in learning from each scene, storyline and can be studied according to their respective children's understanding, said Febri.

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