
JAKARTA - European countries such as Italy, Spain, France, and Germany are now the countries with the most cases of COVD-19. However, amidst the terrible news related to COVID-19, there is hope and learning that has emerged from a country that was also in the worst time due to COVID-19, namely South Korea (South Korea).

Launching Al Jazeera, Friday, March 20, South Korea was the country outside China with the highest cases of COVID-19. South Korea confirmed its first patient with COVID-19 on January 20, 2020. However, on February 18, a woman or so-called patient 31 with COVID-19, is known as the "super spreader" in the country.

The woman participates in mass events at a religious group at Shincheonji Church. Patient 31 passed the virus on to other congregations as well as other residents in Daegu City. Suddenly, COVID-19 cases in South Korea jumped drastically in the span of two weeks. The peak was on February 29, when in one day there were more than 800 new cases of COVID-19. Most of the new cases were from Daegu City.

However, the South Korean government acted quickly in this situation. Behind its success, South Korea has by far the most extensive and well-organized testing in the world, combined with extensive efforts to isolate people who have the virus, track and quarantine those who may have come in contact with COVID-19 sufferers.

When things get worse, the South Korean government is able to administer more than 10,000 people per day of COVID-19 tests, including tests using a drive-thru system and a consultation phone booth added to hospitals. All tests conducted are also free.

In addition, anyone with a cell phone in the country will also receive alerts about the nearest COVID-19 "hotspot" in their area. So residents can avoid areas where the virus is known to be numerous and very active.

No lockdown

Unlike other countries, the South Korean government has chosen not to carry out a localized lockdown. However, they are focusing on large-scale testing in an effort to identify COVID-19 "hotspots".

The government and society also work together by driving social distancing. As one of the three special care zones, Daegu City receives additional medical supplies, staff, and special forces to disinfect the streets.

"South Korea is a democratic republic, we feel that lockdown is not a sensible option," said Kim Woo-Joo, an infectious disease specialist at Korea University.

The South Korean government also created an app that has a GPS to monitor those under quarantine and sound an alarm if they go outside. Tourists who enter the country are also asked to record the symptoms they experience if they feel sick on the application.

Behind the success of the COVID-19 test

When Chinese scientists first published the genetic sequences of the COVID-19 virus in January, at least four South Korean companies had started developing COVID-19 test kits, long before South Korea experienced its first outbreak.

Chun Jong-yoon, chief executive and founder of molecular biotechnology company Seegene, told his team that it was time to start focusing on the coronavirus. The preparations they were putting in place long before the virus killed thousands in China and the disease was officially named COVID-19.

If some countries need more struggle to get enough test kits to diagnose patients with suspected COVID-19, South Korea is providing free and easy access to these test kits for anyone who needs them. South Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it had 118 facilities that could test and report the results.

In fact, as mentioned earlier, South Korea has also launched a drive-thru corona virus testing facility, where motorists meet health workers fully clothed in hazmat. "Detecting patients at an early stage is very important. South Korea is an open society and wants to protect the freedom of people to move and travel," said South Korean Health Minister Park Neung-hu.

Lessons to be learned, South Korea is facing COVID-19 quickly and precisely. When the plague broke out in China, South Korea did not relax, instead it prepared to make test kits and it was proven that we had a rampant outbreak, South Korea already had qualified preparations.

We are often afraid of lockdowns, but South Korea is showing there is no need to do this. One thing is certain to be done; social distancing. South Korean people are aware that COVID-19 is transmitted so quickly through physical contact, instead of holidays when offices and schools are closed, South Korean people choose to stay at home and if forced to leave their homes, they will keep a distance of two meters from other people.

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