
JAKARTA - Since mid-July 2022, the social media and mainstream media pages seem to be focused on the development of the murder case of Brigadier J that occurred at the official residence of the former Head of the Propam Police Division, Ferdy Sambo on July 8, 2022.

People through social media continue to demand that the government and the National Police Chief thoroughly investigate the case. The hashtag BrigadierJ, TangkapFerdySambo, PutriSambo, ReadyKawalPolri had become the trendhashtag twintters for the past month.

Mafhum is there, since the National Police's Karopaminal explained the chronology of the case, many things seem odd. Is it possible for an aide to dare to enter his superior's private room without an invitation? Is it also possible for a Brigadier to lose in a shootout with a Bharada? Amazingly again, there were no injuries to Bharada in the slightest. Meanwhile, Si Brigadier died with five gunshot wounds.

"No need for high-income people to answer that," commented a netizen on July 20, 2022.

Now, it's not just about the case, the discussion of the death of Brigadier J on social media has widened, even tends to be wild, leading to various negative issues. Starting from the issue of Putri's affair with her aide, Ferdy Sambo's affair with Polwan was beautiful, to the issue of Ferdy Sambo LGBT.

In the last two weeks, even more wild issues emerged, with the appearance of two 303 consortium charts. The chart contains a series of police officers who organize gambling activities in Indonesia. Ferdy Sambo's first pocket is at the top of its structure. While the second chart, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Agus Andrianto, is at the top of the structure.

Regardless of whether or not it is true, the chart has dismantled the depravity of the Polri institution. Chairman of the Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso assumes the chart is made by groups within the police who are contrary to Ferdy Sambo. The goal, maybe want to displace Ferdy Sambo and his friends from the elite position of the Police.

The scheme (bag) was made like a model commonly made by members of the Police and it is complete with the data. In this case, IPW will see which groups will rise and will continue to be observed and criticized because the practice of mafia gangs is not impossible to repeat itself if the Police do not make major improvements," he told VOI.

Public Communication Observer from Universitas Brawijaya, Maulina Pia Wulandari, assessed that the various issues were spreading wildly as a result of the police's lack of clarity in managing the ongoing issues and crises.

The emergence of issues can be caused by several factors. Among other things, due to the dissatisfaction of a group of people, the occurrence of dramatic events, social changes, and the lack of optimal leadership forces.

"In the context of the crisis that occurred in the National Police, the emergence of these issues was caused by: dramatic major events, lack of optimal leadership strength, and I added another which I think is the main reason for the emergence of various issues, namely the low public trust in the Polri institution," said Maulina in a written statement to VOI, Tuesday (30/8).

Currently, the stage is no longer just a defensive issue, but is already in the amplification stage, the stage of pressure is starting because groups who have the same view exchange ideas so that the issue begins to spread.

"Just look at the Commission III Hearing Meeting of the DPR RI with the National Police Chief, the Indonesian House of Representatives urges the National Police Chief to explain the issues circulating around the FS case," continued Maulina.

Even though it's only agrapevine or a matter of interest, it doesn't mean the issue can be ignored and hopes to disappear on its own without having to be responded to.

Issues that are allowed to develop wildly and are not handled properly will have great potential to cause a new crisis that adds to the burden of the Police in overcoming the main crisis, namely the murder of Brigadier J.

"I actually see that the National Police will enter the next crisis, namely the online gambling royal crisis and the bad and structural cultural crisis within the National Police," Maulina assumed.

That's why, Maulina suggested that the National Police must change the strategy for handling issues and crises that are being faced. Old ways that tend to be manipulative must be abandoned immediately. Don't use strategic, blaming others with the aim of diverting issues. Like it or not, wild issues that are currently developing must be handled with precision, transparency, and ethical.

According to Maulina, the National Police must immediately apologize to the public, including Brigadier J's family for the noise and tragedy committed by its members. Apology means very important for many parties. To reduce social sanctions given by the community and to get moral support from the public in overcoming the crisis.

In addition, the National Police must be able to show how wild issues that damage the reputation of the Police such as the issue of the online gambling empire within the National Police and the poor culture within the National Police are resolved openly and transparently.

Maulina admits that the National Police have indeed tried to reduce the issue by taking action to eradicate online gambling activities in all regions, but unfortunately they have not received much positive response. This is because the public views this action as just a temporary response without answering the essence of the circulating issues.

Only arresting online gamblers and their agents not arrest real dealers and gambling bosses, especially the National Police personnel who are their protectors. It is not wrong if the public still considers that the performance of the Police has not optimally dismantled the case of the 303 Consortium and the kingdom of online gambling within the National Police," said Maulina.

"The National Police Chief does not need to be afraid and doubtful because most of the people, the Indonesian House of Representatives, even the President of the Republic of Indonesia, must support efforts to clean up the Police. Choose an advisor who is truly competent, has capability and integrity," Maulina emphasized.

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