
JAKARTA - United States presidential candidates (US Candidates) Donald Trump and Joe Biden are again facing each other in the presidential debate. The session that was held a few hours ago is the final one before election day on November 3. There are a number of important points that have rolled throughout the debate, ranging from corruption and conspiracy to the income of the US public.

Like the first, the debate was not free from personal attacks, even though the two sides seemed more restrained. If in the first debate Trump continues to interrupt Biden's talks, this time Trump is more restrained.

Even so, Trump still shows absolutely no respect for his competitors. Biden has not moved on from the issue of handling the COVID-19 pandemic under the Trump administration.

The COVID-19 pandemic

Biden conducted a deepening of the problem of handling pandemics in the Trump administration era. The first thing Biden highlighted was the problem of health facilities.

Biden knows full well that this global chaos makes Trump an easy target. Although invisible, the pressure regarding handling the pandemic is a big problem for Trump.

Especially when he was also infected due to his own carelessness. The Biden camp, since then has continued to fry Trump's positive diagnosis.

Trump defended his approach to the outbreak and claimed the worst pandemic was over and a thing of the past. Trump said a potential vaccine would be available in the next few weeks.

US President Donald Trump (Instagram / @ realdonaldtrump)

"We are close ... The virus will go away," Trump said, during a discussion we monitored from CNN, Friday, October 23. Even so, most experts, including administrative officials, say a vaccine may not be widely available until mid-2021.

Biden also raised fears about the "dark winter." Yes, the US is heading for winter and is still struggling with the handling of the corona virus. And it will be made worse by Trump not having any plans for dealing with it.

"We're going into a dark winter, and (Trump) doesn't have a clear plan and there is no prospect that there will be a vaccine available to most of the people by the middle of next year," Biden replied.

Black Lives Matter Protest (Twitter / @ DMVBlackLives)

Besides the pandemic, Biden attacked Trump's racist attitudes. Biden said Trump was "one of the most racist presidents" in history.

"He (Trump) pours fuel on every racist shot," said Biden. "This guy has a dog whistle as big as a fog whistle."

Trump responded by criticizing Biden over the 1994 Crimes Act, which increased the detention of minority defendants. Trump's counterattack left Biden unable to wash his hands off his own discriminatory policies.

Trump also insists that he has done more for black Americans than any president, with the "possible" exception of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s.

Corruption and conspiracy

Trump and Biden are also attacking each other over corruption and conspiracy. Trump again threw down accusations that Biden and his son Hunter Biden, were involved in an unethical conspiracy involving large sums of money in China and Ukraine. There is no verified evidence to support these allegations. Biden called Trump's side wrong.

Trump, on the occasion also attempted to expose Hunter Biden's business relationship in Ukraine with his impeachment at the end of 2019. Trump and his children have been accused of having interests since they entered the White House in 2017, mostly involving the family's international real estate and hotel businesses.

Biden defended his family and said emphatically that he never made "a penny" from a foreign country. The explanation was presented by Biden through swirling discussions, until he found a way to attack Trump, whose entire family is also involved in the White House for personal gain.

"There's a reason he's bringing up all this crap," said Biden, looking directly at the camera. "This is not about his family and my family. It's about your family, and your family is badly hurt. "

Biden also accused Trump of violating tax payments. The results of the New York Times investigation are still Biden's weapon. In that investigation, Trump reportedly did not pay federal income taxes for more than 20 years. "Show me your tax returns or stop talking about corruption," said Biden.

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US national minimum wage

In the context of the US national minimum wage, Trump and Biden do make a difference. Trump thinks the minimum wage should be a state affair. Meanwhile, Biden supports the increase in the national minimum wage to 15 thousand US dollars or an increase of around Rp 220 thousand ..

Currently, the US national minimum wage is $ 7.25 per hour, or about Rp.106,000 in today's exchange rates. Wage increases are a matter of debate among economists.

Many think that increasing wages will increase the risk at the macro enterprise level. Unemployment can happen. Trump is one who believes and is very worried about that.

"This has to be a state option. Alabama is different from New York. New York is different from Vermont. Every state is different. We have to help our small business," Trump said.

"Not at a level that would put all these businesses out of business. It should be a country option. Different places are all different. In some places, $ 15 isn't so bad. In other places, $ 15 (good)."

Biden overtook Trump's statement by saying, "These people are doing two jobs. Because one job is under poverty," said Biden.

"People make 6 US dollars to 7 US dollars per hour. These first responders, we applaud them when they take to the streets. They are entitled to a minimum wage of 15 US dollars."

"Anything below that puts you below the poverty level, and there's no evidence that when you raise the minimum wage, the business will go out of business."

In this debate, organizers removed the plexiglass that separated the two candidates after Trump provided evidence that he was COVID-19 negative. The debate committee can also turn off the microphone in anticipation of noise.

About 200 people present were also checked for temperature before entering the debate arena. Everyone is also required to wear a medical mask at all times.

The televised debate in Nashville, Tennessee, is one of Trump's last opportunities to reshape a campaign hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed more than 221,000 people in the US. Polls show Trump trailing Biden, despite stiffer competition in the few states that are likely to decide the election.

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