حصريا، سوريا دارما: استخدام الطاقة الخضراء في إندونيسيا لم يتم تعظيمه

The potential for green energy or environmentally friendly energy in Indonesia is very much. Of the six existing green energy clusters, Indonesia has everything, from water, solar energy, geothermal, wind, waves and biomass. The advantages of green energy compared to energy from fossils are renewable. Unfortunately, this abundant green energy, according to the Chairman of the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (METI), Surya Darma, is still not fully utilized. What are the obstacles? To the VOI team he shared a review.


The use of fossil energy, which is currently still dominant in Indonesia, will slowly be shifted to renewable green energy. But now, said Surya Darma, PhD., Dipl. Geotherm.Tech., steps in that direction still have to go through a winding road. The reason is that there is no unified rhythm in the effort to utilize this environmentally friendly energy. In fact, Law No. 30 of 2007 on energy has set the direction and national energy policy.

“The priority is renewable energy because we have that potential. We propose a National Energy Commission led by the Vice President. During the discussion, the name changed to the National Energy Agency, which was led by the President. In the end it was not effective because the president handed this task over to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. The plan is there but the execution is inconsistent,” said Surya Darma, who is the head of the energy law drafting team.

According to the Head of the Renewable Energy Professional Certification Institute, the government does not focus on dealing with this renewable energy issue. He suggested that the government and all parties refer to the existing laws. And to do this there must be a strong political will from the government.

He believes that using green energy can be a substitute for fossil energy. “We have an enormous amount of renewable energy, which has only been released now, there are 400GW. Compared to the current national electricity demand, it is only 70gw, 400gw is a long way off," he told Iqbal Irsyad, Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos and Rifai, who met him at the Jakarta Golf Club, Rawamangun, East Jakarta recently. Here's the full breakdown.

Surya Dharma. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

What is the problem so that the use of green energy or renewable energy in Indonesia is not maximized?

I think if we talk about energy, we have to talk about management. In management there are functions of planning, organizing, executing and evaluating. From these results, it can be seen whether there is planning that is not right or planning that must be modified again until it reaches the target.

If we look at Indonesia since the 1980s, there hasn't been a good plan in the energy context. Where do you want to take this energy processing? What is mostly done is solving problems that arise, not a long-term plan. Talking about long-term planning, we can do a SWOT analysis. What are our strengths, what are our weaknesses, what are our potentials. Then what are the obstacles. Now if we can make this we will be able to go to a target or hope in energy management it will be much better.

In the 1980s, was Indonesia still fixated on fossil energy?

In the past we only used oil and gas energy because Indonesia is rich, without any anticipation that one day it will run out. This I say there is no planning and execution for the long term is good. It was read in the 1980s that in the future Indonesia will become an oil importing country after our oil reserves run out. The idea began to emerge that there should be an energy policy. At that time, a General Policy for the Energy Sector was drafted but its execution was very difficult. Because the handling of the energy sector is not only in one Ministry (ESDM), there is also the Minister of Public Works, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of National Development Planning, and the Minister of Finance. So there are a lot of related Ministries and must be well coordinated. Then in the 2000s, ideas emerged about national energy management planning. Then a Presidential Decree was issued at that time which became a reference but this was difficult to implement. Because the Ministry remains in their respective egos.

Then the thought arose to produce an energy law, I happened to be appointed as the Chairman of the Formulating Team. At that time, I thought that the use of fossil energy would no longer be a priority. The priority is renewable energy because we have that potential. We also propose a National Energy Commission led by the Vice President. In the discussion the name became the National Energy Agency led by the President. In the end it was not effective because the president handed it over to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. The planning has been done but the execution is inconsistent.

Surya Dharma. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

The problem is already know how to solve it?

Back again to planning as mandated by law, and the execution must be consistent. Then we must mobilize the various capabilities from human resources and then funds to achieve that goal. If the state's finances are limited, they must look for investors who can capitalize on them. There must be political will from the government and various parties to carry out all of this.

Currently, how much depend on our electricity production from fossil energy?

In 2015 there was the Paris Agreement. In the agreement, people around the world have felt that the world is increasingly being affected by climate change. What causes climate change? The biggest cause of climate change is carbon emissions which cause temperatures to rise and cause climate change. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia is most concerned because it will be affected.

Therefore, since then people have been thinking about how to reduce emissions. In order to reduce emissions, efforts are made to reduce the use of fossil energy in 2050 and replace them with renewable energy in order to achieve zero emissions in 2050. There is one way; we have quite a lot of forestry potential and it can absorb carbon. When forests are managed properly, they can help reduce emissions by up to 17 percent. Second, from the energy sector, it could decrease up to 11 percent.

The other is the use of petroleum for transportation. If you can't reduce it, it's also difficult. Transportation must slowly shift to electricity, but the electricity must also be supplied from renewable energy.

Have you ever said that the construction of a hydropower plant on the Kayan River, North Kalimantan by PT Kayan Hydro Energy can be an example because it is followed by the development of industrial estates around it?

The needs for Indonesia in 2050, 2040, 2030 have already been estimated. With this kind of economic growth, this much energy is needed. There is a formula for calculating energy needs, called supply side management. Now we don't know where the need is. Therefore, demand side management must be made. In order to be in line with the potential possessed, there are two things that are regulated. Like in Kayan now he has great potential, can't Kayan be transferred to Java. The solution is an industrial area built around Kayan. Not built in Cikarang. Later, when the product is finished, we will transport it to the destination. This is called demand side management. The concepts used are Renewable Energy Based Industrial Development (Rebid) and Renewable Energy Based Economic Development (Rebad).

Kayan Hydro Energy's dam construction, can it be combined with other sectors?

It is very possible, as was done in the Cirata Reservoir. In addition to hydropower, there is also a tourist spot, and a place for fish farming. So it's multifunctional there. In the near future, above the Cirata reservoir, the largest floating solar power plant in Asia will be built with a capacity of 145mw. The water used for hydropower can be pumped back into the reservoir with electrical energy from the PLTS. So the cycle is like that, the remaining water can be used to irrigate rice fields or other needs such as for PDAM. So such a pattern can be applied also in Kayan.

Has the government provided support for investors to invest in this renewable energy?

The government should provide convenience to investors who want to invest in this renewable energy sector. The atmosphere must be conditioned, regulations must be attractive, as well as the political situation, security, economy and all. So that they can hope that after investing their capital can return. And most importantly, legal certainty. The affairs are uncomplicated, transparent and the matter of licensing is also clear.

So by using this green energy can replace fossil energy?

It could be because the potential is great. In the future, the world will shift from using fossil energy to renewable energy. After 2050 the world's energy will be monopolized by the energy of the sun, wind and water. How to race for research to move from fossil energy to renewable energy.

Surya Darma, Between Sports and Friendship

Sport has multidimensionality for Surya Darma. Not just moving and exercising physically whose estuary is body fitness. However, by exercising, he can establish communication with colleagues and maintain friendship.

This Acehnese bloody man likes all sports. And he has been doing it since he was young. “I basically like all kinds of sports. I used to like football, volleyball, tennis, basketball, running, high jump, bicycle and so on,” he said.

The simplest sport that Surya does is running. “When I go out of town, I just need to bring my running shoes and sports clothes. You don't need a special place to run or jog. It can be anywhere as long as the weather is favorable. After the morning prayer, I just ran for about an hour. After that just do other activities. It's easy, right," he said, who has made sports a necessity in his life.

But lately he is more intense playing golf. “Golf is not often but I just live it. I happen to be a member of JGC," he said.

What are the challenges of playing golf? “The challenge of playing golf for me is myself. When playing golf we are required to be honest. If we hit to be honest, we hit one yes one, two yes two. When we hit the ball at a certain point we can't move it. Or for example, because no one saw it and the ball was shifted, that's called dishonest,” added the man who finished his studies at the Geology Faculty of ITB and continued to Dipl. in Geothermal. Energy Technology, Auckland University, New Zealand. Then proceed to the doctoral level in the field of Business Administration, at one of the universities in the USA.

Surya Dharma. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Besides golf is also against itself. “Others may be able to do a certain time, then we also want to do the same thing. Even though our ability doesn't support it, it can't. We must be realistic with the abilities we have. Concentration, focus and according to ability,” he continued, giving tips on how to play golf.

For Surya Darma, playing golf is not meant to be taken seriously or looking for achievements. For him in addition to fitness by playing golf he can maintain friendships. “For me playing golf is not for achievement, just to channel my hobby of exercising. And plus, I can maintain friendship with friends, relations and colleagues while playing golf,” he continued.

Various colleagues can meet in the field and it makes Surya happy. “I can meet with office colleagues, the community. There are ITB clubs, Geology clubs, Aceh clubs, Energy clubs, Pertamina clubs and so on. All of that became a gathering place for me and all of my colleagues,” said this admirer of Greg Norman and Tiger Wood.


In addition, he also enjoys writing. All of this happened because since he was a student at ITB, Surya was active in the Indonesian Student Press Association. The habit of writing is still practiced today. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, he has produced several books.


“During the COVID-19 pandemic, because I couldn't travel much, I then kept myself busy writing books. Alhamdulillah, during this pandemic, I have produced four books," he said.

Gait as an expert in the field of Geothermal makes Surya gait not only at the level of Indonesia, but also the world. He was listed on the Board of Director of the International Geothermal Association (IGA) 2007 - 2023, making him frequent traveling to various countries. "For 16 years I served at the World Gepthermal Institute whose offices and activities moved from one country to another," he said.

And while carrying out their duties abroad, Surya and his wife tried out new experiences exploring remote areas of the country where he served. “I like to try new things in the country where I work, such as trying to ride public transportation, trains, buses and so on. It's nice to be able to enjoy the atmosphere there," he said.

Surya Darma advised the younger generation to always develop their talents. “Young people today have a lot of talent. Don't be influenced by others, focus and develop what you have. Don't think it's not a trend. Anything will be useful someday. The important thing is to be professional. God willing, it will be useful," he said, ending the discussion.

“The government should provide convenience to investors who want to invest in this renewable energy sector. The atmosphere must be conditioned, regulations must be attractive, as well as the political, security, economic and all situations. So that they can hope that after investing their capital can return. And most importantly, legal certainty. The affairs are uncomplicated, transparent and the matter of licensing is also clear, "

Surya Dharma