Why Do So Many People Find Sensation Through YouTube Content?

JAKARTA - The names Pras and Erika are the talk of citizens this week. Unfortunately their name has not risen because of achievement. Warganet talks about the two because their uploaded Youtube content is considered inappropriate.

Uploading videos of married couples often cause negative comments. In fact, not infrequently the content he creates leads to pornography. Even though we know, Youtube users in Indonesia are not only adults but also children.

"" Dont make stupid people famous. ","


Maybe the word 'stupid' swear would be appropriate to compare these kinds of people in creating content, without thinking about cause and effect. This also leads to hundreds or even thousands of unclear content on social media, who want to follow the popularity of the viral video.

This then raises a lot of questions, why is Youtube content in Indonesia now just a place to find sensations?

Psychologist from the University of Indonesia, Rose Mini Agoes Salim then explained it to VOI. The analysis is that people can quickly gain a presence on social media by creating sensational content. No wonder why so many people who create sensational content even violate the norm.

"Many people are happy to get recognition, so that people can turn them around, or on social media to be liked. The trick is to create content (with sensation) like that," said Rose Mini when contacted via telephone, Saturday, November 9.

According to Rose Mini, the uploader of negative sexuality does not understand the consequences they will receive. One of the impacts that can most be felt on the uploader of this content is that it is easy to read by the netizen. Rose Mini considers these stupid content uploaders to also not see the future impact of viewers of their content.

"The important thing is that everyone likes it," said the woman who is familiarly called Mother Rose.

The Head of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia Applied Studies Program does not deny that many people want to be famous through social media. Because lately, he has seen a phenomenon of people who tend to hoax or other insignificant sensations are actually famous on social media.

In fact, all the sensations they upload via social media accounts can trigger other people to create the same content. As for content that smells of pornography, this kind of thing can make minors try.

"If this kind of content is done by teenagers who do not have husband and wife, how about it? So morally, the person who posts it never thinks that the content will have a big impact on others. The important thing is that people see the content they make," he explained.

Mindplace Studio's content creator, Graphics also highlights a lot of stupid content on YouTube. Through a short message, he said the content uploaded by Pras and Erika was quite unsettling for content creators on YouTube. Moreover, this kind of content turns out to have a large audience

"If the content is junk, we are actually afraid too. Especially now that children have very easy access to the internet. In the past, only the upper middle class could access it because of internet quota, but now anyone can," he said.

This man who lives in Yogyakarta said that creating YouTube content actually cannot be just a sensation. According to him, there is standardization in creating YouTube content. One of them is that the content uploaded to this social media platform must be enjoyed by all groups.

"Even if GTA or PUBG becomes content like those created by MindPlace and there are shootouts, it really is games. It's not something strange," he said.

To Graphics, we also question why YouTubers often use klikbait and thumbnails that don't match the video content. According to him, this was deliberately done so that many people were interested in watching the video. It's just that, this is often misused by irresponsible content uploaders.

"A lot of misuse has become excessive. Not only that, what is discussed in the thumbnail and title is often not the basis of the uploaded video," he explained.

We also ask the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny Gerald Plate with the disturbing amount of content. To VOI, Johnny said there was already a team in his ministry to see traffic and quality of content and conversations on various social media platforms. The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology's Cyber Platform team, he said, was in charge of monitoring all uploads, including on Youtube.

In addition to monitoring, this team can also take action in the form of blocking content and social media platforms that are deemed to violate internet rules in Indonesia. "If it still exists, then the ITE Law also regulates criminal and civil sanctions," he said when met in the Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta.

In the future, Johnny also said that he would open communication with YouTube as Indonesia had done with Facebook. The goal is that YouTube can help filter out the spread of negative content in Indonesia.

"Later we will build communication to jointly help so that the use of digital media can be done healthily and well," he concluded.