30 Benefits Of Binahong Leaves To Heal Various Diseases
YOGYAKARTA - Some people have felt the benefits of binahong leaves for health. In fact, binahong leaves are also known as herbal plants that are efficacious to cure symptoms to various diseases.
Namun, apa sebenarnya kandungan yang ada di dalam daun binahong? Dan apa saja manfaat daun binahong?
Quoted from the official website of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Professor of the ITB Pharmaceutical School, Prof Elin Yulinah explained that binahong does contain several substances whose properties are very diverse in treating various diseases.
This has been clinically tested through several studies at the Pharmaceutical-Toxicology Laboratory, ITB Pharmacy School.
This propagating plant also grows a lot in Indonesia. Some people in Indonesia plant binahong in their yard to be used as herbal medicine because it contains high antioxidants.
According to Prof Elin, the best application of the binahong plant is from the concentrate. However, the binahong leaves can also be boiled and the water is drunk or the leaves are consumed directly.
Binahong leaves or those with the Latin name Anredera cordipolis are plants that are often found in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. This plant is known for its many health benefits, so it is often used as traditional medicine.
This type of herbal plant contains various kinds of active compounds, including flavonoids, saponins, and alkaloids. These compounds have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.
Binahong leaves are widely known to provide many health benefits, including:
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You can consume binahong leaves in various forms, such as tea, juice, or supplements. These leaves can also be used as a mixture in various dishes. By regularly consuming binahong leaves, you will experience various health benefits.
However, for those of you who want to make daun binahong a medicine herbal, you should first consult a doctor or herbal expert. This is because the use of herbs must be done with a proper diagnosis, considering that the body and organs of each person can vary.
Such is the review of the 30 benefits of binahong leaves. Hopefully useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.