The Mystery Of Hacker Bjorka: Who, How Does It Work, And Where Does It Come From?

Jakarta The figure of hacker Bjorka has become one of the most known hackers in Indonesia in recent years. Although his true identity is still a mystery, his hacking actions have caught the public's attention, especially with a series of important data breaches belonging to the government and major institutions in Indonesia.

Big questions about who Bjorka is, how it works, and where it comes from, it continues to haunt cybersecurity observers.

Bjorka first emerged to the public in 2022 with hacking actions targeting data belonging to the government and high-ranking Indonesian officials. One of the most horrendous actions was the leaking of personal data belonging to several important officials and data from state institutions. Bjorka often reveals the results of its hacking through social media and forums on the internet, which then raises concerns among the public.

One of the newest major actions from Bjorka was on September 17, 2024, when this hacker managed to break into and leak data from the Directorate General of Taxes. In addition, Bjorka also shocked the public in 2023 by leaking passport data belonging to Indonesian citizens, adding to its long list of actions that succeeded in exploiting the weaknesses of cybersecurity systems in Indonesia.

Bjorka is known to use a variety of advanced hacking techniques, including security gap and phishing exploits. Here are some methods that Bjorka allegedly used:

His expertise in hacking shows that Bjorka has a high technical ability in the field of cybersecurity, so as to be able to penetrate systems that should have strong protection.

Until now, the country of origin of Bjorka is still a big puzzle. Although most of Bjorka's hacking has targeted Indonesia, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that this hacker lives in Indonesia. Some speculations say that Bjorka may have originated abroad, given the large scale of attack and very sophisticated technical capabilities.

Bjorka also uses technology such as VPN (Virtual Private Network) to hide its true location and identity, thus complicating tracking efforts by the authorities. However, until now, there is no definite information about the origin and true location of this hacker.

The hacking action carried out by Bjorka highlighted serious weaknesses in cybersecurity systems in Indonesia. Governments and private institutions need to immediately strengthen their data protection and security systems to prevent greater data leakage in the future. Until now, Bjorka remains a serious threat to national cybersecurity, and its hacking footprint is still a topic that continues to be discussed.