The Reason Why Arsjad Rasjid Was "coupled" As Chairman Of The Chamber Of Commerce And Industry

YOGYAKARTA - The internal turmoil of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) reached its peak with the removal of Arsjad Rasjid from the chair of the general chairman through the Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub). So why was Arsjad Rasjid "coupled" as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry?

This controversial decision sparked various speculations about the reasons behind the "coup". The internal conflict is heating up, differences in vision, and political maneuvers are several factors that are suspected to be the trigger for the change of leadership of the largest entrepreneurial organization in Indonesia.

The chaos within the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry began with an Extraordinary Conference (Munaslub) in 2024. The implementation of the Munaslub was based on allegations of violations of the organization's Articles of Association and Household Budget (AD/ART).

Then based on the results of the Munaslub, Anindya Bakrie was appointed as the new Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

However, the decision of the Munaslub was refuted by Arsjad Rasjid, who previously served as General Chair. Arsjad Rasjid considered that the Munaslub was invalid and had violated organizational regulations.

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Arsjad Rasjid has even submitted his written objections to President Joko Widodo. In addition, Arsjad Rasjid also claimed that the Munaslub decision was rejected by 21 Provincial Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Reporting from Antanews, Prof. Asrinaldi, Professor of Political Sciences at Andalas University, saw a strong political nuance in the holding of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry National Conference.

According to Prof. Asrinaldi, the existence of noise is no longer surprising considering that Kadin has a strategic role as a government partner in economic development.

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), as emphasized by Prof. Asrinaldi, has a crucial role as a strategic partner of the government in managing and encouraging national economic growth.

Therefore, Kadin is expected to maintain its neutrality in the political realm. The view of the Kadin Munaslub which was recently held, cannot be separated from the public spotlight, especially regarding the support of the previous Chairman of Kadin for one of the candidate pairs in the 2024 election.

As explained by Prof. Asrinaldi, that the active involvement of a leader of a business organization in political contestation often triggers various interpretations.

Meanwhile, responding to Kadin's internal dynamics, the Minister of Law and Human Rights stated that the government would maintain a distance.

The determination of the general chairman of the Kadin as a result of the munaslub also still needs to obtain official approval from the President through the Presidential Decree, where the process involves harmonization between ministries.

Regarding the existing chaos, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appealed to the problems that occurred at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to be resolved properly within the organization.

The President emphasized that he was not involved in Kadin's internal affairs. According to him, Kadin is not a political organization, but an entrepreneurial organization. Therefore, the president hopes that this problem can be resolved peacefully within Kadin.

"Don't let this problem be thrown at me," said the President when giving a press statement after inaugurating the Indonesia Islamic Center area at Danareksa Tower, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday.

Jokowi also said that during his almost a decade as President of the Republic of Indonesia, he had always had a harmonious relationship with the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ranging from Suryo Bambang Sulisto, Rosan Roeslani, to Arsjad Rasjid.

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