Horror, There Are 6 Types Of Sentences Described In The Film Torture Hell

JAKARTA - The film Sicsa Hell is ready to air on December 14. The early Dee Company film is predicted to be a horror film with strong religious nuances because it can make congregational tobat audiences.
Adapted from the legendary comic by MB. Rahimsyah is of the same name, Siksa Hell shows a terrible hellish visual and makes it annoying. Swallowing CGI fees of up to IDR 5 billion, Producer Dheeraj Kalwani promised more shows than the comics.
"If you ask whether the comic is the same as the comic? Yes, the sin is the same as comics, the story is fun," said Dheeraj Kalwani.
In the teaser trailer and poster of Siksa Hell, there are at least 6 types of punishment that look painful. The punishment is:
1. Eyes in Calok This is the first punishment that the film Saksa Hell shows. Dee Company shows the quality of its production design through the first look released Thursday, June 15.
In the photo, it appears that Keisha Alvaro is experiencing torture in the eyes. Many sharp knives hit his eyes so that his body was covered in blood.
2. Back Ironed In the teaser video, the scene most awaited by comic fans finally appeared, namely the ironed back. Many netizens say this picture makes them unable to sleep after reading comics.
3. Bitten by the Power of the CGI Siksa Hell finally appeared in the scene where the giant squirrel chased and pounced on Keisha Alvaro. The story behind the scene certainly made the audience curious.
4. Dipaku Ratu Sofya's tongue then undergoes a scene of tongue burning. Blood pours between the tongue. "Once you see the scene, the pain spreads throughout the body," he said.
5. Lidah Digerakjak Terbaru, Dee Company meliris poster yang melis poster menunjukkan seorang perempuan yang mengetakkan kepalanya. Ia terkejut melihat baton besi yang memiliki chain arah menunjukkan kepadanya.
Nayla Purnama thought the poster was terrible. "I'm so happy that finally the poster for the film Saksa Hell came out, I can't wait for it to be broadcast on December 14," said Nayla Purnama.
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6. The hands of Digerjak All parts of the body do not seem to be separated from the torture of Hell. Punishment from the head, tongue, back, and hands also exists. In the teaser trailer video, there is also a saw that makes you curious.
"The shooting was done with enthusiasm, hopefully the results can make congestion in the congregation," said Sofya's queen.