Walkot: TPA Fire Emergency Status Suwung Denpasar Ends

The Mayor of Denpasar, Bali, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara has officially declared a Fire Emergency Status at the Suwung Final Disposal Site (TPA) in Denpasar.

He stated that the hotspots had been completely extinguished or 100 percent.

"Since the fire has been completely extinguished, we have decided that the Suwung TPA Fire Emergency Status has ended," said Jaya Negara in Denpasar, Sunday, November 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

The end of the Fire Emergency Status at the Suwung TPA is stated in the Denpasar Mayor's Decree Number 188.45/2651/HK/2023 dated November 16, 2023.

The latest condition in handling the Suwung TPA which has been on fire since October 12, 2023, shows a positive trend. All hotspots have been successfully extinguished based on a study by the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and the Denpasar City Fire Department (Damkar) and Rescue Service.

"Even though the fire has been extinguished and the smoke points have been successfully handled, monitoring and preparedness will continue," he said.

After this emergency period ends, the BPBD team together with the Denpasar City Fire and Rescue Service will carry out routine monitoring. This is to anticipate things that are not desirable.

He added, after being declared completely extinguished, the focus is currently on handling after the fire will be carried out by the UPT for the Suwung TPA Waste Processing under the Bali Provincial Government.

After the fire is extinguished, it is also hoped that it can support the optimization of Denpasar City's waste delivery to the TPA so that the garbage transportation in temporary shelters (TPS), reduce-reuse-recycle (TPS3R) and self-management waste treatment sites can continue to be optimized.

"Hopefully with the end of this fire disaster emergency status, the handling of waste in Denpasar City can continue to be optimized," said Jaya Negara

Head of the Denpasar City Fire and Rescue Service I Made Tirana said that the BPBD team together with the Denpasar City Fire and Rescue Department were still monitoring.

In addition, his party together with UPT Suwung TPA Waste Processing also alerted water tanker trucks as an anticipatory measure.

"The status of the Suwung TPA Fire Emergency is over, we will continue to carry out monitoring together as an anticipatory measure," he said.