Gorontalo Police Destroy Tens Of Thousands Of Liters Of Illegal Alcohol

GORONTALO - Gorontalo Regional Police destroyed 29,778 liters of evidence and 3,405 bottles of illegal liquor at the Gorontalo Police School (SPN), Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo.

The destruction of evidence from raids and arrests was carried out by being poured into a ditch and using heavy equipment to straighten out bottles filled with liquor.

Gorontalo Police Chief Inspector General Angesta Romano Yoyolasai the activity on Friday said the liquor that was destroyed was the result of operations over the past two months.

Most of the liquor was smuggled from outside the area which was successfully confiscated by police officers with a value of Rp. 1.3 billion.

"We have to increase the operation of the destruction again. Indeed, this number is reduced from the previous one, but there are still thousands of liters," said the Kapolda.

The distribution of liquor currently has a new mode carried out by the perpetrators. The circulation of liquor was found using a sand truck, with a water bottle mode that looks like ordinary mineral water, but it turns out that it is an alcoholic drink.

The Gorontalo Police Chief emphasized that it is not only the community who is prosecuted if they own and consume alcohol, but if there are Polri personnel, they will be dealt with firmly and checked.

Liquor is one of the highest causes of conventional criminal acts.