The Loss Of Doctor Qory Who Became A Victim Of Domestic Violence Husband: Kicked, Trampled On In The Neck Until Threatened With A Knife

BOGOR - Bogor Resort Police, West Java, revealed the whereabouts of Dr. Qory Ulfiyah Ramayanti (31) who left the house for four days after becoming a victim of domestic violence (KDRT) by her husband, Willy Sulistio (39).

"We received information that the person concerned was at P2TP2A asking for protection," said Bogor Police Chief AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro as reported by ANTARA, Friday, November 18.

Then, the Bogor Police coordinated with the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) to present Dr. Qory at the Bogor Police. Then, Dr. Qory was asked for information and found a number of signs of violence experienced by residents of Nanggewer Village, Cibinong, Bogor.

After giving information to the police, Dr Qory underwent a post-mortem and reported her husband, Willy Sulistio, for the domestic violence case. On the same day, the Bogor Police immediately named Willy as a suspect in domestic violence.

"The team found sufficient preliminary evidence with two pieces of evidence, that we implemented domestic violence that caused the victim to run away from home," said Rio.

Doctor Qory, who was pregnant with six months of pregnancy, had run away from home since Monday (13/11) at around 09.30 WIB.

Rio explained the beginning of the argument between husband and wife (couple) who had three children. On Monday (13/11) at 00.00 WIB, Dr. Qory intends to surprise Willy, who is having his 39th birthday.

At that time, Dr Qory gave a surprise by suddenly turning off the television that Willy and his three children were watching. However, Willy was offended by the reason he was not satisfied watching.

Their quarrel continued in the morning at around 07.30 WIB. Willy then took two knives from the kitchen, but was calmed down by Dr Qory.

It didn't stop there, when dr Qory was in front of the room, said Rio, the victim was kicked repeatedly until he fell, and stepped on his neck.

"For this incident, we have detained the person concerned for violating Article 44 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence," said Rio.