The Father Of The Persecutor Of A 6-year-old Child In Sukabumi Was Arrested By The Police

Sukabumi Police arrested a man with the initials W (32), a resident of Buniwangi Village, Sukabumi Regency who is suspected of being the perpetrator of the abuse of a six-year-old child.

"Pangkapan W ini berawal dari video di media sosial yang kemudian dikembangkan. Dari hasil pengembangan itu kami menangkap tersangka di rumahnya di Kecamatan Surade. Terungkap ternyata W merupakan ayah belas dari anak perempuan yang menjadi korban penganiayaan dari video berdurasi lima menit itu," kata Kapolres Sukabumi AKBP Maruly Pardede dilansir ANTARA, Rabu, 15 November.

From the hands of the five-second video, it shows the victim AR, who is still six years old, was stepped on the face and his head by the suspect. At the end of the video, W was seen kicking the victim's head and hitting him.

The victim, who cried and asked for mercy from his father, also looked bruised on his face, and there were even several photos circulating on social media showing the victim's lips bleeding and swollen.

According to Maruly, receiving information about the abuse case, the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim immediately moved and arrested the perpetrator who was the father of the child.

The results of the investigation and examination of a number of witnesses, the persecution took place on Tuesday (14/11). Where the video perpetrator's heinous act was uploaded by the Facebook account Anitta Nitta (Desi Yulianti) who is the wife of the perpetrator who currently works as an Indonesian Migrant Worker in Saudi Arabia.

"We are still digging up the motive behind the suspect, he has the heart to persecute his biological child, it is suspected that this violence occurred because of a domestic relationship between W and his wife and his wife, so that the child who was the target of his parents' frustration," he added.