Involved In Fraud And Suspect In Police Murder Attempt, DKI Transportation Agency Fires Its Members

Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that his party had fired AI, a suspect in the attempted murder of a member of the Directorate of Pam Obvit Polda Metro Jaya, Bripka Taufan Febriyanto.

Syafrin said that AI, which also committed fraud with the mode of recruiting DKI Transportation Agency employees, was a freelance daily employee (PHL).

"Regarding the news about the alleged fraud case committed by AI's brother, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency has followed up by conducting an examination in accordance with the provisions and has cut off employment relations with AI's brother starting in early October 2023," Syafrin told reporters, Wednesday, November 8.

Syafrin admitted that his party had handed over the investigation of the case to the police.

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Transportation Service has handed over and fully supports the legal process carried out by the authorities regarding the case that befell AI's brother," said Syafrin.

Previously, the police revealed that one of the suspects, AI, who was suspected of attempting to kill its members, turned out to be an employee of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency.

"The AI suspect planned (the murder attempt). He (AI) PHL at the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang City Metro Police, Kompol Rio Mikael Tobing to reporters at the Tangerang City Metro Police, Wednesday, November 8.

Initially in this case, Rio said that AI opened recruitment for recruitment who wanted to work as an employee of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency. AI asked for around 30 prospective employees with a total of IDR 1.7 billion in collected money.

The promise that AI said did not materialize, so the victims asked for their money back. However, AI disappeared.

One of the victims of AI fraud is Taufan's relative who both served at Polda Metro Jaya. Taufan then received information on his residence and AI's working address from his wife.

On that basis, AI hurt the victim's wife, Typhoon. Because it tells the address and place the suspect works. AI told S and N, then they agreed to plan an attempted murder.

In the action, the victims were framed by the perpetrators on the grounds of inviting them to meet their business partners. The suspects have prepared rope, duct tape to sharp weapons of badik type to attack the victim.

"Later on, the victim was asked to sit on the left side of the front seat. After that, suspect S sat on the left back while suspect N was behind the suspect AI," he said.

At the time of the incident, the victim signaled to his colleagues that the attack on the victim was immediately carried out. Taufan was persecuted and threatened with being killed with badik.

Then, suspect N tied both hands with a tier and tied them to the seat of the car. Then suspect N took a badik and threatened to keep the victim quiet," said Rio.

At that time, suspect N also asked the victim for some money. Typhoons that felt cornered agreed to the suspect's request. He argued that he would sell his car.

"The victim reasoned that he would sell his car so that the suspects released the victim from ties and let him go home to sell his car," he said.

Taufan yang telah dibebaskan sehingga kembali ke rumah. Kemudian memutuskan untuk membuat laporan kepolisian ke Polres Metro Tangerang Kota pada Kamis, 19 Oktober.

The police who received the report immediately followed up. Then carry out an investigation until finally arresting AI and N in the Batuceper area, Tangerang City.

Now, the suspects have been taken to the Tangerang Metro Police. They were charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 53 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and/or Article 170 paragraph (1), Article 353 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, and/or Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 56 of the Criminal Code.