ANRI Archives Of The Supreme Court, Prepares To Move To IKN

JAKARTA - The National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) has begun to organize an archive of the Supreme Court (MA) in preparation for moving to the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), considering that the Supreme Court is one of the institutions scheduled to move in the first cluster. "ANRI has programs to organize the archives of ministries/agencies, including in the Supreme Court. There are still many archives that must be organized, considering that the Supreme Court has a strategic role in the law enforcement process. Therefore, it needs to be supported in the arrangement of its archives," said Acting Head of ANRI Imam Gunarto as quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Imam emphasized that in the context of law enforcement, archives are the ultimate weapon to present evidence for the sake of a better judicial process. "We know that government programs in the context of law enforcement are the most important thing at this time. MA as the last bastion of the judicial process, so that the archives in the Supreme Court become the ultimate weapon, because the judicial process is unlikely to run well if there is no archive support," he said. Imam added that the arrangement and control of archives in the Supreme Court is one thing that is absolutely implemented, because at this time the Supreme Court is also carrying out a transformation process for the transition of the process of implementing manual archives into digital systems. "That is a good step and deserves to be supported by all parties so that the law enforcement and justice process is truly enforced, because performance in the Supreme Court increases and archives must support well-ordered, easily accessible, and useful archives for referrals or judicial process references," said Imam. Meanwhile, the Head of the Supreme Court Finance Bureau, Edi Yuniadi expressed his appreciation and welcomed the archival arrangement program initiated by ANRI so that the bodies and institutions under the Supreme Court should also immediately participate in structuring for better archive systems.

"Kami menyadari penataan arsip ini akan menjadi kunci pengelolaan kearsipan, utamanya arsip perkara yang memang tidak ada batas waktu untuk penghapusannya, sehingga pencari keadilan tetap akan bisa merasakan rasa keamanan terkait pengelolaan arsip di Mahkamah Agung," kata Agung.Pada tahun 2023, ANRI memiliki salah satu kegiatan prioritas nasional, yakni mendampingi 70 kementerian/lembaga yang akan pindah ke IKN untuk menata arsip.Kegiatan penataan arsip ini dilakukan demi keberadaan dan kelangsungan arsip yang bernilai sejarah, dan arsip aset barang milik negara (BMN) yang dikelola kementerian/lembaga.Penataan arsip ini diharapkan menjadi percepatan untuk menciptakan pengelolaan arsip yang tertib dan dikelola secara elektronik, sehingga apabila nantinya lembaga negara sudah pindah ke IKN, arsip tersebut dapat diakses dengan mudah secara digital tanpa harus membawa bentuk fisiknya.Oleh karena itu, ketersediaan arsip yang autentik, utuh, dan terpercaya dapat berkontribusi bagi penyelenggara pemerintahan agar lebih cepat menggali informasi dan memastikan data yang diperlukan dapat diakses dengan mudah, untuk mendukung tugas-tugas pemerintahan yang berkelanjutan.

Through the arrangement of the archives, a reduction in the number of archives will also be carried out through shrinkage according to procedures. In the archive arrangement activities, ANRI is also assisted by an archive service provider that has been accredited and meets the qualifications in the procurement of goods/services in the field of archival arrangement. An orderly and electronically managed article is expected to support the realization of good and intelligent governance, as well as strengthen the nation's national identity at IKN.