Dewa United Protests To PSSI Regarding The Three Referees, This Is The Alleged Violation

JAKARTA - Dewa United's club protested to PSSI about three referees, because judging the judge's decisions in the last three matches cost his team.

"The formation of referee leadership in leading the match not only creates bad precedents / images for Indonesian football but can also hinder the progress of Indonesian football," said Dewa United President Ardian Satya Negara in a written statement quoted by Antara, November 4.

"The referee should not only blow the penalty whistle quickly, but must be careful in making decisions. The victims are not only club owners but also all players and coaches who have trained to prepare for the match, physically and strategy to feel disadvantaged," he said.

Dewa United's spotlight was directed at Ryan Nanda Saputra, Rio Permana Putra, and Nendi Rohaendi.

Ryan punished Dewa's penalty when he faced Madura United on October 22, although Ricky Kambuaya's replay did not violate Hugo Gomes.

Rio awarded a penalty to Dewa, Borneo FC, on 28 October. Referring to the replay, Agung Mannan did not withdraw from Borneo's players.

Meanwhile, Nendi awarded Arema FC a penalty in the November 2 match. On the replay, Dedik Setiawan was already in an offside position before being violated in the penalty box.

"We have sent an official protest letter to the PSSI Referee Committee, for the losses we have suffered in the last three matches. In this context, there is a penalty controversy," said Ardian.

From existing records, the three referees had been in the spotlight before Dewa protested.

Rio once gave a controversial penalty in the 2020 Liga 2 match, when Sriwijaya FC faced PSIM Yogyakarta. At that time Rio gave a penalty before the match ended for Sriwijaya, for seeing the hands of PSIM players hitting the ball in the forbidden box.

From the replay, there was no visible presence of a PSIM player whose hands hit the ball.

Nendi was once the object of the host's fans' anger when PSS Sleman lost to his Persija Jakarta guest on August 4. He is considered to have made several decisions that harm the host.