MKMK Approves Witness To Give Written Information

JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) approved the request from the applicant regarding the submission of witness statements in writing in the alleged violation of the code of ethics of nine constitutional judges."If the latter (written witness testimony) we agree,” said Chief Justice of the MKMK Jimly Asshiddiqie while chairing the trial of the alleged violation of the code of ethics against the Constitutional Court's Decision Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, October 31.This was conveyed by Jimly in response to the request of Professor of the University of Surabaya Hesti Armiwulan as a reporter from the Constitutional and Administrative Law Society (CALS) regarding the alleged violation of the code of ethics of the nine judges of the Constitutional Court.According to Jimly, the move was taken to ensure that the proceedings were more effective, given the very short trial agenda.He emphasized that the opportunity for witnesses to provide written statements is wide open and can be done as much as possible."If you want to give additional evidence, testimony, and written experts, you can also give 100 or 200 sheets, but it's written that you don't have to use the trial," he said.In the previous trial, the reporting party from CALS was not allowed to present witnesses directly in giving testimony at the trial because it would take place behind closed doors.Professor of Surabaya University Hesti Armiwulan as the reporter in the case asked the MKMK so that witnesses could provide written information."If indeed we from CALS are not allowed to present witnesses, then it can be replaced with written documents from witnesses," he said.
In addition to asking that witnesses be able to provide written information, Hesti also hopes that the MKMK can distribute a copy of the examination of the trial of nine constitutional judges in the case of alleged violations of the code of ethics which was held behind closed doors, as a form of transparency in the trial.