The US Space Force Wants To Rent A Geostationary Satellite With IDIQ Contract
JAKARTA - The United States Space Force (USSF) plans to use a small geostationary satellite to improve military communications networks.
Currently, they are exploring various satellites that are deemed capable of providing appropriate services, either from commercial companies or constellations belonging to the government.
Quoting fromSpacenews, Head of the Commercial Satellite Communications Office USSF Claremengatakan bahwa pihaknya tertarik membeli satelit kecil yang dapat bermanuver dan memberikan konektivitas terbaik dari orbit geostasiser Bumi.
In fact, the USSF has released requests for microGEO satellite information from various sectors. In its criteria, they require satellites that are smaller, cheaper than the market, but more agile than large geostationary aircraft.
After conducting market research, the USSF plans to use an Unbounded Delivery Contract/Unbounded Summary (IDIQ) so that the USSF can give orders of duty according to their needs.
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In addition, the IDIQ contract also benefits the USSF to create its own constellation through a lease agreement. They also plan to issue a direct request for satellite services to the device.
Apart from the contracts they will use, the placement of these satellites is actually fairly unusual. MicroreGEO satellites are usually not placed in geostationary orbits.
MicroGEO is just a small part of the geocomm satellite mass as a more flexible alternative so it is not known whether the USSF's plans to use this satellite are successful.