Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Not Approving Pertashop Selling Pertalite: Can Add Subsidies Again
JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif did not approve Pertashop to sell Pertalite type of fuel oil (BBM).
According to him, Pertashop selling Pertalite will raise fuel subsidies which are currently very large.
"This can later be added to the subsidy, right? Count it (the size of the subsidy)," said Arifin, who was met at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Friday, October 20.
He added that the proposal must be re-evaluated.
Meanwhile, the ministry is still evaluating the proposal, including calculations related to the subsidies to be issued.
"It should be evaluated more deeply, otherwise it will break down (the subsidy)," continued Arifin.
Moreover, he said, world oil prices that continue to skyrocket and touch 92 US dollars per barrel will further encourage the amount of subsidies for subsidized fuel.
Therefore, he appealed to the public to use fuel according to the vehicle designation and not to use pertalite.
"Now the oil is 92 dollars. So now the supervision and appeal so that those who can buy Pertamax, buy Pertamax. Don't move to Pertalite," said Arifin.
Previously, in an audience with Commission VII DPR RI, the general chairman of the Central Java Pertashop Entrepreneurs Association - Yogyakarta Special Region (Central Java-DIY) Gunadi Broto Sudarmo said his party continued to suffer losses.
Oil prices that have soared due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have caused the government to also increase the price of Pertamax and Dexlite fuel types.
With this price disparity, said Gunadi, entrepreneur turnover has also decreased drastically by 90 percent and entrepreneurs have not experienced any benefits at all.
Of the 448 Pertashop, 201 of them suffered losses and threatened to close and their assets were confiscated because they were unable to pay monthly installments to the bank concerned.
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Meanwhile, Pertamina Patra Niaga President Director Riva Siahaan said that his party was still reviewing the possibility after previously the Central Java Pertashop Entrepreneurs Association-Yogyakarta Special Region (Central Java-DIY) held an audience with Commission VII regarding the losses suffered.
"In principle, we will see what is more likely to provide benefits for friends in the Pertashop community, this is still being studied for the best," he told the media, Wednesday, July 12.
He added that if his party could not immediately place subsidy products directly, it would still require a more in-depth study.
Riva added that Pertamina will also prepare the best solutions.