Following Prabowo, Elite Political Parties Of The Advanced Indonesia Coalition Start Visiting Zulhas' House

The Elite political party of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) visited the official residence of the Head of PAN Zulkifli Hasan or Zulhas at the Widya Chandra complex, South Jakarta, tonight.

They followed presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto who had arrived earlier.

According to VOI monitoring, the elite KIM who was seen visiting Zulhas' house after Prabowo, namely, the General Chairperson of the Democrats, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono.

Then, followed by Bahlil Lahadalia who is a politician from the Golkar Party. From a distance, he was seen wearing a black suit.

Not long ago, Gerindra Party Secretary General Ahmad Muzani followed suit.

So far, no statement has been made by the two KIM figures. However, it is suspected that the meeting discussed the vice presidential candidate.

Previously, Muzani had conveyed the lattice of a figure who would accompany Prabowo Subianto as a vice presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

Through a rhyme, Muzani said that the person to be selected will be a young person who has experience in the government.

"I just want to signal the lattice of Mr. Prabowo's vice presidential candidate with only two rhymes," said Muzani.

The first rhyme, Muzani said that the figure of a young person who would accompany Prabowo for Indonesia was getting more victorious.

"Indonesia is a rich country, its population is millions, we want Indonesia to be victorious, Prabowo and the young are the answers," he said.

In the second rhyme, Muzani mentioned the person with experience in government. Although the two rhymes have not clearly described, Muzani said Prabowo's companion will be announced soon.

"Buying bananas on a bicycle, stopping home from the race station, Vice President Prabowo will soon be announced, he is an experienced figure in the government," said Muzani.

Meanwhile, of the three presidential candidates who have declared themselves, only Prabowo Subianto has not announced the figure of the Vice President.

For Anies Baswedan, he has collaborated with Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin). Meanwhile, Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD.