Kaskogabwilhan III: Gold Pendulang Di Seradala Yang Diserang KKB Bukan Anggota TNI Disguised Intel

JAYAPURA - Kaskogabwilhan III Marsma TNI Deni Hasoloan Simanjuntak emphasized that the gold collectors who were victims of the shooting of an armed criminal group (KKB) in Mosom Duba Village, Seradala District, Yahukimo Regency, Papua Mountains, were not members of the TNI.

The victims of the massacre are ordinary civilians whose daily lives depend on the proceeds of gaining gold, not TNI intelligence soldiers who disguise themselves as street vendors.

"The victims are purely civil society, none from the TNI or Polri, as revealed by the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB), because it is an old song that always states that the victims are spies or intelligence from the TNI and Polri," said Kaskogabwilhan III Marsma TNI Deni Hasoloan Simanjuntak as reported by ANTARA, Friday, October 20.

The attack carried out by the KKB against gold collectors in Kali I, Mosom Duba Village, Seradala District, was said to be very brutal.

Kogabwilhan III condemned the acts of brutality committed by the KKB, Monday (16/10) for causing fear in society.

"The actions of separatist groups are like terrorists which disturb the security and stability of the region," he said.

It was recorded that 52 people were evacuated, including seven survivors who died as a result of being shot by the KKB.