Former PPK Official Defendant Of Corruption Jalan Pangasean Samosir Sued 1.5 Years In Prison

The Samosir District Attorney's Public Prosecutor (JPU) demanded Saut Simbolon, a former commitment-making official (PPK), for 1.5 years in prison in the corruption case of Jalan Pangasean-Sitamiang, Samosir Regency in the 2021 fiscal year.

In addition, Herdon Samosir's partner as Deputy Director of CVNabila was also prosecuted by the public prosecutor for 1.5 years in prison.

"Two defendants were also sentenced to pay a sentence of Rp. 50 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison," said Public Prosecutor Samosir Edward Pasaribu at the Medan District Court, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 19.

The two defendants, said the Public Prosecutor, were detrimental to state finances, did not support the government's program in eradicating corruption.

The mitigating thing, continued the prosecutor, was that the defendant had never been convicted, had children and wife dependents.

The defendant also returned the money with a total of IDR 744 million or the same as state losses.

After reading the memorandum of demand, the panel of judges chaired by Erika Ginting continued the trial with a pledoi agenda.