BMKG: Today's Weather In Jakarta Will Be Sunny And Cloudy All Day

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) released a weather forecast for the DKI Jakarta area on Thursday 19 October. According to BMKG, the weather in all areas of DKI Jakarta will experience changes throughout the day.

On Thursday morning and evening, it is estimated that the weather will be cloudy throughout Jakarta. However, the situation will change during the day. Some areas are expected to be cloudy. Only South Jakarta, North Jakarta, and the Thousand Islands will still remain cloudy.

When entering the afternoon, the majority of Jakarta is predicted to return to sunny and cloudy, except for South Jakarta and East Jakarta which are expected to be cloudy. Then, when the evening arrives, the entire capital area is expected to be cloudy again.

Meanwhile, in the early hours of Friday, sunny cloudy weather will cover most areas of DKI Jakarta, except for Central Jakarta and North Jakarta which will remain sunny.

The air temperature is estimated to range from 24 degrees to 36 degrees Celsius. The humidity level will also fluctuate in the range of 40-80%.

With this information, DKI Jakarta residents can prepare themselves according to the weather forecast given by the BMKG to undergo their daily activities. Stay careful and adjust your plans to the latest weather conditions.