This Is SYL's Role In The Alleged Corruption Case At The Ministry Of Agriculture

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named three suspects in the alleged corruption case that occurred at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan). The three suspects, namely the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL), the Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Ministry of Agriculture Muhammad Hatta (MH), and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Kasdi Subagyono (KS). Determination of these suspects based on sufficient evidence. All three have different roles. The KPK detected allegations of levies by the suspects against officials in the Ministry of Agriculture. Money was handed over in cash, bank account transfer, to giving in the form of goods and services. "On the direction of SYL, KS and MH ordered their subordinates to collect a sum of money within echelon I, the director generals, the heads of bodies to secretaries in each echelon I with the amount of value that has been determined by SYL with a large range ranging from US$ 4,000 to US$10,000," said the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Johanis Tanak at the Red and White Building, Jakarta, Wednesday 11 October. Kasdi and Hatta, according to Tanak, sit as representatives as well as SYL confidants. Money receipts of the two people are carried out routinely every month using foreign currency fractions. "So far, the money enjoyed by SYL together with KS and MH amounted to around Rp.9 billion and more in-depoch tracing is still being carried out by the investigative team," said Tanak. In this case, the KPK investigates allegations of extortion, gratuities, and money laundering (TPPU) within the Ministry of Agriculture that dragged SYL.

The KPK has searched a number of locations in the context of investigating the case, such as at SYL's official residence to the Ministry of Agriculture's office. Various evidences have been successfully secured by the KPK, ranging from cash to documents. In addition, the KPK has also prevented a number of parties from traveling abroad related to the investigation of the Ministry of Agriculture case. They consist of SYL, a number of family members, to several officials within the Ministry of Agriculture.