The President Director Of Perumda NKR Does Not Admit That There Is A Letter Of Request For Ormas Assistance To Overcome Traders At Kutabumi Market
TANGERANG - Naga Kerta Raharja (Perumda) Regional Public Company (Perumda-NKR) has spoken out regarding the circulation of a letter requesting assistance from community organizations (ormas) for the People's Market Care Alliance-Banten to carry out security at Kutabumi Market, Tangerang Regency.
The President Director of Perumda NKR Tangerang Regency, Finny Widiyanti, denied that he had issued the application letter. Finny said that the matter was completely transferred to the police for investigation.
"We emphasize that the letter was not made, not planned and whatever it was by market users, it was not from us," Finny told reporters, Wednesday, October 11.
"Regarding the effect or impact of the letter, we have submitted everything to the police," he continued.
Finny said that if in this case there was involvement by his party, strict action would be taken in accordance with applicable regulations.
"For example, if there is our internal involvement, then we have the SOP to be given sanctions. If for example there is anything that violates the rules discipline, then we will issue the sanctions against the person concerned," he concluded.
Some time earlier, the police studied the circulation of two applications from Perumda Pasar Niaga Kerta Raharja, Tangerang Regency to the Masyrakat Alliance, Caring for the People's Market-Banten.
اقرأ أيضا:
The essence of the letter is to ask the Alliance of People Caring for the People's Market-Banten to provide security at Kutabumi Market, Tangerang Regency. The letter also states that traders in Kutabumi Market do not support government programs.
Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Pol Sigit Dany S said he would find out when the letter was made and the truth was.
"The letter of application for assistance is suspected to be from the market management and a declaration letter. We are investigating the truth of these two letters," said Sigit in his statement, Wednesday, September 27.
"We will also explore the meaning of the contents of the application letter, what date it was made, and why was it made?" he continued.
Sigit also emphasized that his party would be serious and professional in handling the case. He also ensured that he would enforce the law against anyone involved in the clashes.
Impressed Cases Covered
The riot case carried out by community organizations (Ormas) against traders at Kutabumi Market, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency has not yet been revealed by intellectual actors.
In fact, a letter containing an application from Perumdan Niaga Market Kerta Raharja Tangerang Regency was issued by the Head of Kutabumi Market, Hapid Fauzi regarding a request to the People's Cares for People's Market Alliance - Banten.
It is known that the alliance contains six mass organizations, namely BPPKB, PPBNI, CORCAM Warriors of Banten, Pemuda Pancasila, Representatives of Eastern Indonesia United, and LAPBAS.
However, until now the Regional Government (Pemda) of Tangerang Regency and Tangerang Police have not revealed the mastermind behind the case. Although they have found a bright spot on the case.
In fact, even though the police have arrested three members of the mass organization in the case. However, the police have not disclosed the motive yet