Get ITB, KKP Wants To Print Maritime And Fisheries Human Resources

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) through the Maritime and Fisheries Human Resources Counseling and Development Agency (BPPSDM KP) together with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), are committed to increasing the capacity of human resources in the marine and fisheries sector.

This commitment is contained in the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) entitled Development of Human Resources, Science and Technology Capacity in the context of Marine Development and Sustainable Fisheries, which was signed by the Head of BRSDM I Nyoman Radiarta with the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, ITB, Irwan Meilano, and witnessed by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono in Jakarta.

"This is a synergy built by the KKP to support the development of human resources who are studying in educational units under the auspices of the BPPSDM KP. I hope that this collaboration is not only a matter of science, but can touch the industrial sector," said Minister Trenggono in a written statement, Wednesday, October 11.

The scope of PKS includes increasing the capacity of human resources, developing research and service to the community, and utilizing infrastructure and sharing information, all of which are carried out through the activities of the undergraduate and doctoral education programs within four years, starting from the signing of PKS by the parties and can be extended according to the needs based on mutual agreement.

On the same occasion, Head of BPPSDM KP I Nyoman Radiarta said this cooperation agreement was not only aimed at increasing the capacity of human resources in the marine and fisheries sector, but also a synergy built by the KKP with universities in Indonesia.

"Previously, the KKP had also collaborated or partnered with a number of other campuses, both domestic and foreign," he said.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Irwan Meilano, said that the education program owned by ITB was quite complete, namely up to the doctoral program. Later, the implementation of learning will be adjusted to the agreed place in this partnership cooperation.

"The lecture location is in accordance with what is agreed upon. As an illustration, our current faculty is partnering with the ATR/BPN ministry, where the ATR/BPN office is located throughout Indonesia, so if it is located in Lampung, it remains included in the scope, as well as the cooperation this time," he added.

For your information, BPPSDM KP has 11 higher education units with 15 campuses. All of them are spread from Aceh to Papua, with details of Diploma I, Diploma III, Diploma IV, and Applied Masters education.