There Is An AIS Forum 2023 Summit, Hotel Occupancy Rate In Nusa Dua Capai 90 Percent

BALI - The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) Bali revealed that the Archipelagic and Island States High Level Conference (KTT AIS) Forum 2023 boosted hotel occupancy in the Nusa Dua area, Badung Regency, to 90 percent.

"The hotel occupancy in the Nusa Dua area and its surroundings is already full, if the average is 90 percent," said PHRI Bali Secretary Perry Markus as quoted by Antara, Monday, October 9.

The hotel occupancy, he said, was estimated until the third week of October or the end of October 2023, considering that there were still a number of international activities being held in Bali.

Based on BUMN data from PT Pembangunan Pariwisata Indonesia (ITDC) as the manager of The Nusa Dua area, the total number of hotel rooms in the area reached 5,579 hotel rooms.

The Nusa Dua is the location for the AIS Forum 2023 Summit which was held at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) building.

The elite area is managed by ITDC covering a total of 350 hectares since almost 50 years.

A total of 5,579 hotel rooms were spread across 14 five-star hotels, four-star hotels (3), and three luxury villas equipped with facilities for conferences and exhibitions (MICE) reached 21 thousand delegates.

Perry explained that MICE tourists also have a high level of spending, which is an estimated average of IDR 1 million per day for one person, outside of transportation, to souvenir spending.

According to him, although the AIS Forum Summit was held 10-11 October 2023, a series of events before the peak were held one week ago in Bali.

The AIS Forum also has an economic impact on tourism in Bali and other sectors, including printing and eating and drinking sectors.

"International activities held in Bali increase housing in Bali, especially MICE," he said again.

Moreover, he also said, the AIS Forum was held during the visit season in general, including the quiet season of visits or low season.

General Manager of The Nusa Dua I Gusti Ngurah Ardita added that the luxury area was chosen as a place to stay for world leaders, increasing the trust of the organizers in the quality of international services and facilities in the international standard area.

"For the implementation of the AIS Forum Summit for several hotels in our area, being chosen as the location for lodging for the head of state or leader of this delegation is proof of confidence in the quality in our area," he also said.