Commission III Reacts Strongly On Handling Demos In Seruyan: Police Gegabah!

JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR RI regrets the handling of demonstrations in oil palm plantations, Seruyan, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) which killed residents. The police were also considered rash when handling the demonstration of residents which led to chaos.

"It should prioritize preventive elements in handling demonstrations, especially what residents do when they demand their rights. As state servants, the police should protect the community," said Member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Gilang Dhilafarafez, Monday, October 9.

Clashes between the police and residents in oil palm plantations, Seruyan, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) occurred during a demonstration on Saturday (7/10) yesterday. Residents demanded PT Hamparan Masawit Bangun Persada (HMBP) fulfill the promise to provide 20 percent of plasma plantations and forest areas outside of the Right to Use (HGU). The demonstration was carried out because the company did not fulfill the agreement after decades of promise.

During the demonstration, it was discovered that three residents were injured as a result of the repressive actions of the police. One of the residents even died with gunshot wounds allegedly carried out by police officers.

Gilang also criticized the violent acts that occurred, where the video of the clash had gone viral on social media. In the video circulating, there were a number of residents who picked up their friends who were lying covered in blood. Residents who protested in oil palm plantations screaming for help so that their injured friends could be evacuated.

In another video, repeated gunshots were also heard. Even from loudspeakers, there was a shooting order from police officers to disperse the demonstrators. Gilang said the handling of demonstrations from the authorities was outrageous.

"From the video alone, it looks sadistic, the way the authorities treat people who are inhumane demonstrations," he said.

For this incident, Gilang asked the police to carry out a thorough examination of all its members who were guarding the demonstration. Although the police denied the statement of residents who said the shooting was carried out with live ammunition, the investigation had to be carried out completely.

"If you only use empty bullets or rubber bullets, until someone dies. This is proof that the police are reckless in handling demonstrations, and people are victims again," said Gilang.

The legislator from the Central Java II electoral district emphasized the importance of the police's commitment to investigate the shooting of residents who were demonstrating in oil palm plantations. Gilang also highlighted the statement by the Central Kalimantan National Indigenous Society Alliance (AMAN) which said residents who demonstrated did not attack the police during a riot demonstration.

"The results of the investigation are eagerly awaited by the public to find the shooter. It must be checked as a whole from all parties," he said.

From AMAN's statement, residents did carry sharp weapons such as mandau, but residents were said to have not used them. According to AMAN, residents who demonstrated did not attack the police during a chaotic demonstration because they were only on guard at the site of the portal and the huts in the oil palm plantation.

Gilang also encouraged transparency in uncovering the events that caused the lives of these residents to be lost. For this reason, according to him, involvement of other agencies or institutions is needed so that the results of the investigation are not one-sided. One of them is the involvement of Komnas HAM.

"The involvement of all parties or related stakeholders is very necessary to ensure transparency in this incident. There must be someone responsible for the death of a resident who is voicing his aspirations where this right is protected in the constitution," said Gilang. Regarding the death of a resident due to being shot, Gilang asked for an evaluation of a police officer who was holding a firearm. He said periodic psychological tests were needed for members who carried firearms while on duty.

"The use of live ammunition is beyond the purpose of escorting the demonstration. It must also be checked who carried out the shooting, when was the last time he was psychologically tested," he said.

Not only that, Gilang also asked the investigation team to examine the alleged instructions from the officers to carry out the shooting of residents who were demonstrating as heard in the video. He said this allegation had to be investigated carefully because it was a serious violation.

"If it is proven that there is a violation of the law, appropriate sanctions must be given to those responsible," explained Gilang.

"In this way, we can ensure that human security, law and rights are maintained in our society. This is to ensure justice for all Indonesian people," he concluded.