FPCI: The Current Struggle For Democracy Determines Indonesia To Be Gold

JAKARTA - Chairman and founder of the Foreign Policy Community Indonesia (FPCI) Dino Patti Djalal said that the future of Indonesian democracy is in the hands of young people and the struggle in maintaining democracy determines the realization of the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.

In the Indonesian Youth Democracy Forum (IYDF) discussion forum in Jakarta, Friday night (6/10), Dino said Indonesia still has a big challenge in implementing the fourth precept and fifth principle of Pancasila.

"Of the five precepts of Pancasila, the first to third precepts have been implemented well, but we still have a big challenge in implementing the fourth and fifth precepts," said Dino as quoted by Antara.

These challenges include corruption, poor implementation of regulations, and public distrust of the democratic system in the country.

In addition, the former Indonesian ambassador to the United States continued, the rule of law in Indonesia is starting to fade, threatening the realization of social justice.

FPCI organizes the IYDF which is attended by 20 Indonesian youths to have a dialogue with social institutions and organizations (ormas) throughout Indonesia to formulate a joint statement on recommendations so that democracy in Indonesia can be better.

The IYDF participants made a joint statement draft which would be submitted to the relevant state institutions so that policymakers could accommodate them.

The recommendations are to strengthen political institutions, ensure political transparency, increase protection against human rights (HAM), ensure the implementation of democracy in the digital era, and increase inclusive political participation.

Dino said the FPCI was ready to help submit the recommendation to the Indonesian government.

"In my opinion, this is something our institutions and leaders need to hear," added the former deputy foreign minister.

One of the IYDF participants named Ranee said the recommendation would be submitted to the DPR RI and MPR RI because the two institutions are policy-making institutions.

"The plan is that this joint statement will be delivered in less than a month; maybe in the next two weeks," said Ranee.

According to him, one of the things that happened