Handling Foot Krams During Sports: Here Are Some Methods That Are Believed To Be The Most Effective!

YOGYAKARTA - Muscle kram or muscle ramp can take place at any time, especially when you are exercising. Well, do you guys already know how to handle leg cramps during exercise?

Muscle Kram occurs because unconscious muscles contract themselves and cause it is difficult for you to move and feel pain.

This can be triggered by fatigue, not warming up during exercise, and so on. Then, how is the method of tackling muscle cramps? Let's look here!

Understanding Muscle Kram

Muscle Kram is a state when the muscles immediately face an accidental contraction. Sometimes, the cramps experienced are not only on one muscle, but can be more.

Although it is often thought that it is not risky, this situation can make the muscles not function for a while, the impact will be that it will be difficult for you to move the affected muscles.

Frequent muscle cramps last because a person has been exercising for a very long time or carrying out unusual movements, can also be caused by injury.

Muscle kram is a state that is generally felt by a person, especially when carrying out physical activities.

Although there is no need to worry too much, it would be better if you carry out some methods of tackling muscle cramps so that they don't continue to become severe.

So, what is the enforcement method if there are muscle cramps? This is the steps you can take.


The method of tackling muscle cramps that need to be tried for the first time is by applying stretching.

When applying stretching, make sure the part of the muscle that faces cramps is straight, not bent.

Find a position as comfortable as possible, after that try to rub the cramps to help the muscles relax again.

Massaging Kram Area

After applying the stretch, the next method of dealing with muscle cramps is to massage a zone that cramps smoothly.

Providing massage to the part that cramps will help reduce the pain that is being experienced again.

To make it safer, you can use companion drugs, such as controls, balesems, or eucalyptus oil.

However, make sure to massage it carefully and not carelessly. If you need it, ask for help from friends.

Heating And Cooling

To overcome muscle cramps, heating and cooling are tried by applying heat or cold pressure to muscles that experience cramps.

You can put heat pressure on the bottle that has been filled with hot water, as well as compresses on the cramps in the muscle.

On the other hand, you can use an ice block or cold water in a bottle to put cold pressure on the muscles, so the pain will decrease.

Make Sure The Body Is Hydrated

The next method of tackling muscle cramps is to ensure that the body does not lose body fluids. Drink water for body hydration and make muscles return to normal roles.

Sufficient water will help fix damaged body cells. Not only that, by adequate body fluids, cramps can be prevented.

To avoid muscle cramps, when active, don't forget to always fill the liquid intake periodically after that, continue your activities again.

Sufficient Magnesium Needs

This method of tackling muscle cramps is more fitting as an effort to prevent it. If you often face cramps, try to consume more magnesium.

You can get the contents of magnesium from eating such as seeds or nuts, or also by consuming extra supplements.

Stopped For A Moment From Activities

When faced with muscle cramps, try to end the activities you are undergoing for a moment. Because, if forced the risk can increase severely.

After ending the moment, you can try to implement light movements, such as walking slowly.

This will help relieve leg cramps by sending a relaxed signal to the muscles after contracting.

Consumption Of Protein Eating

Not only consuming magnesium, you are also advised to consume foods rich in protein.

Proliferation of protein consumption is one method of tackling muscle cramps because protein can help the repair process of injured muscles.

Some of the best sources of protein include red meat, fish, and nuts. However, try not to consume the food excessively.

So after knowing the handling of leg cramps during exercise, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!