Karhutla Smoke Fog Disrupts View Distance At Home Pisau-Palangka Raya
PALANGKA RAYA - Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Osa Malik appealed to road users who cross the Trans Kalimantan Road, Pulang Pisau-Palangka Raya axis, to be careful because the smoke caused by forest and land fires (karhutla) began to interfere with visibility.
"For the current visibility, it can be said that it is no longer normal, so road users are asked to always be vigilant," said Osa Maliki at Pulang Pisau, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 4.
Osa Maliki said that the smog that occurred, especially in Jabiren Raya Subdistrict, could not be separated from the forest and land fires that occurred in Tanjung Taruna Village and Tumbang Nusa Village. The condition of forest and land fires in Tumbang Nusa Village is currently slightly better, while forest and land fires in Tanjung Taruna Village are a bit thick.
"Yesterday there was a little rain in Tumbang Nusa Village but in Tanjung Taruna Village there was no rain," he explained.
Osa Maliki revealed that the joint team continues to carry out extinguishing efforts. He raised the status to an emergency response for forest and land fires, also increased operations carried out by joint teams in the field in handling forest and land fires in the local district.
In a land operation carried out by the local BPBD, he explained, the integrated team received additional BKO personnel from the Central Kalimantan Regional Police, Kodim 1011/KLK also involved personnel from the Pulang Pisau Police, Satpol PP, Transportation Service, Manggala Agni, Central Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service with a total of 140 personnel.
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"For personnel in the field, if there is any feeling bad due to health problems, immediately report to the health team for treatment," said Osa Maliki.
Monitoring in the field on Tuesday (3/10) afternoon heavy rains flushed the city of Pulang Pisau and its surroundings, which put several hotspots out. However, due to the rain that fell for only a moment, Wednesday (4/10) made the smog thicker and thicker, covering the sunlight.