In The Aftermath Of Fictitious Order Terror, 7 DC Pinjol Ada Kami Fired

JAKARTA - The P2P lending service platform or online loans (pinjol) of PT Pembiayaan Digital Indonesia or Ada We fired 7 desk collections (DC) or commonly called debt collectors related to fictitious order terror.

President Director of Ada Kami Bernardino Moningka Vega said the party received 36 complaints related to fictitious orders via online food orders by DC. Of the total, 10 of them are continued to the investigation stage.

"Seven DCs have been laid off, while the other three have received a strict supervision warning letter," said Bernardino during a visit to the Indonesian Business office as reported by

Although he terminated DC's contract, Dino, as he is familiarly called, said that the labor force of the debt collector was outsourced by 400 people.

Currently, Ada We are also investigating DC supervisors. Dino also emphasized that DC's actions to terrorize through this fictitious order violated the Ada Kami platform's Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). As a result, the company took action against one leader team and one supervisor.

Meanwhile, another employee was sanctioned due to other violations.