Must OBSERVE! Here Are 5 Tips For Choosing The Right Life Insurance

YOGYAKARTA Life insurance is an insurance product that functions as a financial safety net when experiencing unexpected risks, such as death, experiencing accident, permanent defects, or other unintentional risks. Because of this role, this insurance product is important to have, especially those who are the backbone of the family. So, how to choose life insurance? Here are tips for choosing the right life insurance.

It has been mentioned above that the existence of life insurance can help you manage the risk of financial losses that may occur that could shake family financial stability. Well, for those of you who want to choose life insurance products, pay attention to the following tips.

The coverage money (UP) is a premium in the form of compensation that must be paid by the insurance company to the insured or the heirs if he dies.

The size of UP should be adjusted to future needs. The reason is, the coverage money is not used to meet personal needs, but the heirs when it happens to the insured or policyholders.

When determining coverage money with insurance agents, convey information on the amount of income, the number of family members to be borne. In addition, you also need to discuss the estimated cost of household living per month within a certain period of time.

Premium is the amount of money that must be paid by the insured customer to the insurance company. Premiums must be paid so that the insured customer gets insurance protection.

You will find it easier to make decisions about the amount of premium when disciplined in carrying out financial planning. This is because you have estimated the costs needed to meet your daily needs, pay installments, save emergency funds, and future needs.

In Indonesia, there are various life insurance products that offer various benefits. Generally, life insurance products can be added with complementary insurance. Choose additional insurance that suits current needs and future amsa as well as the ability to pay premiums.

Ask insurance companies about how to submit claim benefits, where to access claim submission forms, and the documents needed to file claims.

Generally, heirs need to prepare a number of documents to file claims, such as identity documents and introductory letters from formal institutions.

Introductory letters can be obtained from hospitals, courts, and/or the police, claim submission forms, power of attorney forms from heirs, as well as Heirs Certificates.

Before choosing life insurance products, make sure the preferred insurance company contains and is supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). This is very important, so that you can avoid the risk of fraud.

In addition, make sure the insurance company chooses to have a service center that is easy to reach and officers can provide information quickly when the grant finds out the insurance policy information or when submitting claims.

This is information about tips on choosing life insurance. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.